Samuel Lorenzo Knapp (1783 - 1838)

Samuel Lorenzo Knapp (1783 - 1838) - photo 1

Samuel Lorenzo Knapp

Samuel Lorenzo Knapp is an American author and lawyer and politician.

Knapp graduated from Dartmouth College and eventually became a prominent lawyer, holding a Juris Doctor degree. He was a representative in the Massachusetts legislature from 1812 to 1816, and in 1814 joined the American Antiquarian Society.

In 1824 Knapp became editor of the Boston Gazette and also kept the Boston Monthly Journal. In 1826 he founded the National Republican Party, which collapsed two years later, and returned to practicing law in New York City. Knapp published various biographical studies as well as many public discourses on politics and society.

In 1818 his fiction Ali Bey (Excerpts from a Journal of Travels in North America, consisting of descriptions of Boston and its environs) was published. It is a sort of diary of a fictional Ottoman spy who travels in America disguised as a Frenchman.

Date and place of birt:19 january 1783, Newburyport, USA
Date and place of death:8 july 1838, Hopkinton, USA
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Editor, Jurist, Politician, Publicist, Writer
Genre:History painting