Servando Cabrera Moreno (1923 - 1981)

Servando Cabrera Moreno (1923 - 1981) - photo 1

Servando Cabrera Moreno

Servando Cabrera Moreno was a Cuban painter. A supporter of the Cuban Revolution, he created many paintings that depict the Cuban peasantry. Stylistically, his paintings are rooted in the tradition of vanguardia, and are especially indebted to the work of Carlos Enríquez Gómez.


Date and place of birt:28 may 1923, Havana, Cuba
Date and place of death:30 september 1981, Marianao, Cuba
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art style:Avant-garde

Creators Cuba

Jilma Madera (1915 - 2000)
Jilma Madera
1915 - 2000
James Wilson Morrice (1865 - 1924)
James Wilson Morrice
1865 - 1924
Lesbia Claudina Vent Dumois (1932)
Lesbia Claudina Vent Dumois
Diango Hernandez (1970)
Diango Hernandez
Carmen Herrera (1915 - 2022)
Carmen Herrera
1915 - 2022
Víctor Manuel García Valdés (1897 - 1969)
Víctor Manuel García Valdés
1897 - 1969
Eduardo Ponjuan (1956)
Eduardo Ponjuan
Tomás Sánchez (1948)
Tomás Sánchez
Luis Martínez-Pedro (1910 - 1989)
Luis Martínez-Pedro
1910 - 1989
Eloy Palacios (1847 - 1919)
Eloy Palacios
1847 - 1919
Angel Delgado (1965)
Angel Delgado
Emilio Sánchez (1921 - 1999)
Emilio Sánchez
1921 - 1999
José Bernal (1925 - 2010)
José Bernal
1925 - 2010
Alexandre Arrechea (1970)
Alexandre Arrechea
Gina Pellón (1926 - 2014)
Gina Pellón
1926 - 2014
Philipp Herrlich (1818 - 1868)
Philipp Herrlich
1818 - 1868

Creators Avant-garde

Olga Vladimirovna Rozanova (1886 - 1918)
Olga Vladimirovna Rozanova
1886 - 1918
Solomon Borisovich Nikritin (1898 - 1965)
Solomon Borisovich Nikritin
1898 - 1965
Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov (1901 - 1968)
Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov
1901 - 1968
Mauro Reggiani (1897 - 1980)
Mauro Reggiani
1897 - 1980
Rudolf Koppitz (1884 - 1936)
Rudolf Koppitz
1884 - 1936
Mikhail Ivanovich Kurzin (1888 - 1957)
Mikhail Ivanovich Kurzin
1888 - 1957
Helen Saunders (1885 - 1963)
Helen Saunders
1885 - 1963
Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992)
Richard Pousette-Dart
1916 - 1992
 Giandante X (1899 - 1984)
Giandante X
1899 - 1984
Sergey Ivanovich Lobanov (1887 - 1942)
Sergey Ivanovich Lobanov
1887 - 1942
Pavel Dmitrievich Shirokov (1893 - 1963)
Pavel Dmitrievich Shirokov
1893 - 1963
Vera Vladimirovn Khlebnikovа (1891 - 1941)
Vera Vladimirovn Khlebnikovа
1891 - 1941
Robert Colquhoun (1914 - 1962)
Robert Colquhoun
1914 - 1962
Georgy Iosifovich Rublev (1902 - 1975)
Georgy Iosifovich Rublev
1902 - 1975
Tomas Maldonado (1922 - 2018)
Tomas Maldonado
1922 - 2018
Paul Klee (1879 - 1940)
Paul Klee
1879 - 1940