Thomas Virnich (1957) - photo 1

Thomas Virnich

Thomas Virnich is a German sculptor and painter.

Date and place of birt:16 march 1957, Eschweiler, Germany
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Sculptor
Art school / group:Düsseldorf school of painting
Art style:Contemporary art

Creators Germany

Paul Wilhelm Dahms (1913 - 1988)
Paul Wilhelm Dahms
1913 - 1988
Eugen Dücker (1841 - 1916)
Eugen Dücker
1841 - 1916
 Otto Scheuerer (1862 - 1934)
Otto Scheuerer
1862 - 1934
Louise Catherine Breslau (1856 - 1927)
Louise Catherine Breslau
1856 - 1927
Wolfgang Schneider (1950)
Wolfgang Schneider
Hans-Wilhelm Spitzmann (1920 - 1989)
Hans-Wilhelm Spitzmann
1920 - 1989
Arno Breker (1900 - 1991)
Arno Breker
1900 - 1991
Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl (1804 - 1877)
Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl
1804 - 1877
Wim Wenders (1945)
Wim Wenders
Matthäus Gundelach (1566 - 1653)
Matthäus Gundelach
1566 - 1653
Johann König (1586 - 1642)
Johann König
1586 - 1642
Karl-Ludwig Schmaltz (1932)
Karl-Ludwig Schmaltz
Rudolf Schlichter (1890 - 1955)
Rudolf Schlichter
1890 - 1955
Otto Knille (1832 - 1898)
Otto Knille
1832 - 1898
Franz Wieschenbrink (1818 - 1884)
Franz Wieschenbrink
1818 - 1884
Hubert von Herkomer (1849 - 1914)
Hubert von Herkomer
1849 - 1914

Creators Contemporary art

Adam Dario Keel (1924 - 2018)
Adam Dario Keel
1924 - 2018
Michael Kunze (1961)
Michael Kunze
Kerstin Mempel (1967)
Kerstin Mempel
Taizo Kuroda (1946 - 2021)
Taizo Kuroda
1946 - 2021
Fatmir Hajiu (1927 - 2001)
Fatmir Hajiu
1927 - 2001
Herman Brood (1946 - 2001)
Herman Brood
1946 - 2001
Alice Peters (1929 - 2021)
Alice Peters
1929 - 2021
Sebastian Walter-Lilienfein (1959)
Sebastian Walter-Lilienfein
György Jovánovics (1939)
György Jovánovics
Henriette Riederer (1941 - 2003)
Henriette Riederer
1941 - 2003
Afro Basaldella (1912 - 1976)
Afro Basaldella
1912 - 1976
John Egerton Piper (1903 - 1992)
John Egerton Piper
1903 - 1992
Nikolay Nikolaevich Kupreyanov (1894 - 1933)
Nikolay Nikolaevich Kupreyanov
1894 - 1933
Lisa Yuskavage (1962)
Lisa Yuskavage
Cheri Samba (1956)
Cheri Samba
Claus Goedicke (1966)
Claus Goedicke