Ubertino da Casale (1259 - 1330)

Ubertino da Casale (1259 - 1330) - photo 1

Ubertino da Casale

Date and place of birt:1259, Casale Monferrato, Italy
Date and place of death:1330, Italy
Period of activity: XIII, XIV century
Specialization:Mystic, Preacher, Theologian

Creators Italy

Costantino Nivola (1911 - 1988)
Costantino Nivola
1911 - 1988
Fausto Melotti (1901 - 1986)
Fausto Melotti
1901 - 1986
Nicola Simbari (1927 - 2012)
Nicola Simbari
1927 - 2012
Lodovico Pogliaghi (1857 - 1950)
Lodovico Pogliaghi
1857 - 1950
Giovanni Antonio Burrini (1656 - 1727)
Giovanni Antonio Burrini
1656 - 1727
 Master of the Fiesole Epiphany (1425 - 1496)
Master of the Fiesole Epiphany
1425 - 1496
Gino Sarfatti (1912 - 1985)
Gino Sarfatti
1912 - 1985
Cesare Lapini (1848 - 1893)
Cesare Lapini
1848 - 1893
Carlo Saraceni (1579 - 1620)
Carlo Saraceni
1579 - 1620
Angelo Pavan (1893 - 1945)
Angelo Pavan
1893 - 1945
Gaetano de Martini (1840 - 1917)
Gaetano de Martini
1840 - 1917
Carol Rama (1918 - 2015)
Carol Rama
1918 - 2015
Giuseppe Cominetti (1882 - 1930)
Giuseppe Cominetti
1882 - 1930
Antonio Meneghetti (1936 - 2013)
Antonio Meneghetti
1936 - 2013
Josef Theodor Moroder-Lusenberger (1846 - 1939)
Josef Theodor Moroder-Lusenberger
1846 - 1939
Eugène Pluchart (1809 - 1880)
Eugène Pluchart
1809 - 1880