Christopher Wool (1955) - photo 1

Christopher Wool

Christopher Wool is an American artist. Since the 1980s, Wool's art has incorporated issues surrounding post-conceptual ideas. He lives and works in New York City and Marfa, Texas, together with his wife and fellow painter Charline von Heyl.

Wool is best known for his paintings of large, black, stenciled letters on white canvases. Wool began to create word paintings in the late 1980s, reportedly after having seen graffiti on a brand new white truck. Using a system of alliteration, with the words often broken up by a grid system, or with the vowels removed (as in 'TRBL' or 'DRNK'), Wool's word paintings often demand reading aloud to make sense.


Date and place of birt:1955, Boston, USA
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter, Sculptor
Art style:Abstract Expressionism, Abstract art, Conceptual art, Contemporary art

Creators USA

James Lee Byars (1932 - 1997)
James Lee Byars
1932 - 1997
Eric Fischl (1948)
Eric Fischl
Raymond Dabb Yelland (1848 - 1900)
Raymond Dabb Yelland
1848 - 1900
Max Band (1901 - 1974)
Max Band
1901 - 1974
Tomory Dodge (1974)
Tomory Dodge
Herbert Adams (1858 - 1945)
Herbert Adams
1858 - 1945
Paul Strand (1890 - 1976)
Paul Strand
1890 - 1976
Neil Jenney (1945)
Neil Jenney
James Turrell (1943)
James Turrell
Raymond Pettibon (1957)
Raymond Pettibon
Marcos Grigorian (1925 - 2007)
Marcos Grigorian
1925 - 2007
Lester Johnson (1919 - 2010)
Lester Johnson
1919 - 2010
David Losavio (1993)
David Losavio
Laura Owens (1970)
Laura Owens
Gertrude Fiske (1879 - 1961)
Gertrude Fiske
1879 - 1961
 KAWS (1974)

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Frederick Edward McWilliam (1909 - 1992)
Frederick Edward McWilliam
1909 - 1992
Cinga Samson (1986)
Cinga Samson
Olivier Strebelle (1927 - 2017)
Olivier Strebelle
1927 - 2017
Konstantin Vladimirovich Filatov (1926 - 2006)
Konstantin Vladimirovich Filatov
1926 - 2006
Andrey Evgenievich Dillendorf (1936)
Andrey Evgenievich Dillendorf
Mary Heilmann (1940)
Mary Heilmann
Arnold Fiedler (1900 - 1985)
Arnold Fiedler
1900 - 1985
Dimitrije Bašičević (1921 - 1987)
Dimitrije Bašičević
1921 - 1987
Antonio Bernie (1905 - 1981)
Antonio Bernie
1905 - 1981
Kerstin Brätsch (1979)
Kerstin Brätsch
Stefan Moses (1928 - 2018)
Stefan Moses
1928 - 2018
Thaddeus Mosley (1926)
Thaddeus Mosley
David Row (1949)
David Row
Willian Diederick Kuik (1929 - 2008)
Willian Diederick Kuik
1929 - 2008
Evgenia Mikhailovna Adamova (1913 - 1991)
Evgenia Mikhailovna Adamova
1913 - 1991
KlausKlaus Jürgen-Fischer (1930 - 2017)
KlausKlaus Jürgen-Fischer
1930 - 2017