Wim Delvoye (1965) - photo 1

Wim Delvoye

Date and place of birt:14 january 1965, Wervik, Belgium
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Art style:Conceptual art, Neo-Geo, Contemporary art

Creators Belgium

Alfred Elsen (1850 - 1914)
Alfred Elsen
1850 - 1914
Amédée Ernest Lynen (1852 - 1938)
Amédée Ernest Lynen
1852 - 1938
Anna Georgievna Staritsky (1908 - 1981)
Anna Georgievna Staritsky
1908 - 1981
Henri Michaux (1899 - 1984)
Henri Michaux
1899 - 1984
Luc Peire (1916 - 1994)
Luc Peire
1916 - 1994
Antonio Maro (1928)
Antonio Maro
Frans Mortelmans (1865 - 1936)
Frans Mortelmans
1865 - 1936
Guglielmo Borremans (1672 - 1744)
Guglielmo Borremans
1672 - 1744
Louis Halle (1810 - 1887)
Louis Halle
1810 - 1887
Laurent Delvaux (1696 - 1778)
Laurent Delvaux
1696 - 1778
François André Durlet (1816 - 1867)
François André Durlet
1816 - 1867
Hendrick van Steenwijk II (1580 - 1649)
Hendrick van Steenwijk II
1580 - 1649
Guillaume Geefs (1805 - 1883)
Guillaume Geefs
1805 - 1883
Leon Brunin (1861 - 1949)
Leon Brunin
1861 - 1949
Piet Verhaert (1852 - 1908)
Piet Verhaert
1852 - 1908
Petrus van Schendel (1806 - 1870)
Petrus van Schendel
1806 - 1870

Creators Conceptual art

R. H. Quaytman (1961)
R. H. Quaytman
Hanne Dreutler (1942 - 2009)
Hanne Dreutler
1942 - 2009
Miguel Berrocal (1933 - 2006)
Miguel Berrocal
1933 - 2006
Mike Starn (1961)
Mike Starn
Vanessa Bell (1879 - 1961)
Vanessa Bell
1879 - 1961
Mikulash Galanda (1895 - 1938)
Mikulash Galanda
1895 - 1938
Alicia Penalba (1913 - 1982)
Alicia Penalba
1913 - 1982
Thomas Flechtner (1961)
Thomas Flechtner
Antonio León Ortega (1907 - 1991)
Antonio León Ortega
1907 - 1991
Hubertus Giebe (1953)
Hubertus Giebe
Miriam Davenport (1915 - 1999)
Miriam Davenport
1915 - 1999
Yukultji Napangati (1971)
Yukultji Napangati
Maria Vladimirovna Lomakina (1896 - 1964)
Maria Vladimirovna Lomakina
1896 - 1964
Madame Grès (1903 - 1993)
Madame Grès
1903 - 1993
Lev Aleksandrovich Bruni (1894 - 1948)
Lev Aleksandrovich Bruni
1894 - 1948
Vitaly Anatol'evich Komar (1943)
Vitaly Anatol'evich Komar