Eugen Dücker (1841 - 1916) - photo 1

Eugen Dücker

Eugen Gustav Dücker was a Baltic German painter, in the Romantic style, associated with the Düsseldorfer Malerschule.

Despite his career's roots in Germany, he spent much of his time in Estonia, where he painted idyllic landscapes of the sea and the countryside. He also made numerous trips to Holland, Belgium, France and Italy.


Date and place of birt:10 february 1841, Arensburg, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:6 december 1916, Düsseldorf, Germany
Nationality:Germany, Russia, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Düsseldorf school of painting
Genre:Landscape painting, Marine art
Art style:Realism, Romanticism

Creators Germany

Margaret Leiteritz (1907 - 1976)
Margaret Leiteritz
1907 - 1976
Roswitha Steinkopf (1951)
Roswitha Steinkopf
Hans Rieder ()
Hans Rieder
Fritz Overbeck (1869 - 1909)
Fritz Overbeck
1869 - 1909
Hugo Kotschenreiter (1854 - 1908)
Hugo Kotschenreiter
1854 - 1908
Joseph Kehren (1817 - 1880)
Joseph Kehren
1817 - 1880
Karl Otto Götz (1914 - 2017)
Karl Otto Götz
1914 - 2017
Franz Anton Maulbertsch (1724 - 1796)
Franz Anton Maulbertsch
1724 - 1796
Theobald Schorn (1866 - 1915)
Theobald Schorn
1866 - 1915
Sophie Wencke-Meinken (1874 - 1963)
Sophie Wencke-Meinken
1874 - 1963
Herbert Oehm (1935)
Herbert Oehm
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau (1874 - 1950)
Rudolf Schramm-Zittau
1874 - 1950
Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky (1868 - 1945)
Nikolay Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky
1868 - 1945
Henriette Lehmann (1862 - 1937)
Henriette Lehmann
1862 - 1937
Konrad Alexander Müller-Kurzwelly (1855 - 1914)
Konrad Alexander Müller-Kurzwelly
1855 - 1914
Lukas Stipperger (1755 - 1806)
Lukas Stipperger
1755 - 1806

Creators Realism

Johann Heinrich Meyer (1760 - 1832)
Johann Heinrich Meyer
1760 - 1832
Bernhard Buttersack (1858 - 1925)
Bernhard Buttersack
1858 - 1925
Giannino Castiglioni (1884 - 1971)
Giannino Castiglioni
1884 - 1971
Johannes Frederik Hulk (1827 - 1911)
Johannes Frederik Hulk
1827 - 1911
Mikhail Zichy (1827 - 1906)
Mikhail Zichy
1827 - 1906
Heinrich Schönfeld (1809 - 1845)
Heinrich Schönfeld
1809 - 1845
Otto Fedder (1873 - 1918)
Otto Fedder
1873 - 1918
David Alois Schmid (1791 - 1861)
David Alois Schmid
1791 - 1861
Gaetano Fasanotti (1831 - 1882)
Gaetano Fasanotti
1831 - 1882
Karl Hoff (1838 - 1890)
Karl Hoff
1838 - 1890
Andrei Nikolaevich Kostromitin (1928 - 1999)
Andrei Nikolaevich Kostromitin
1928 - 1999
Jan Antoon Neuhuys (1832 - 1891)
Jan Antoon Neuhuys
1832 - 1891
Carl Oesterley (1839 - 1930)
Carl Oesterley
1839 - 1930
Philipp von Foltz (1805 - 1877)
Philipp von Foltz
1805 - 1877
Anton Marussig (1868 - 1925)
Anton Marussig
1868 - 1925
Henry Park (1816 - 1871)
Henry Park
1816 - 1871