118 Items by auctions and galleries:
spring landscape
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan
Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.
Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Early spring
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
Весна в горах. Spring in the mountains.
Elena Kozar-Gurina (b. 1969)
Shop Kozar-Gurina Elena
Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.
Artist shop
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Number of products: 255
Spring mood
nino gudadze (b. 1985)
Shop gudadze nino
nino gudadze
I am from Georgia. I live in Tbilisi.
I am a graphic and web designer by profession.
I began to paint in 2016.
It was a real discovery for me, to show up myself and the case which I love very much.
I am taking the individual courses and have a wonderful teacher, who shares his knowledge and experience and is the best source of inspiration for me.
Artist shop
gudadze nino
Number of products: 23
Spring Stars
Maka Kvartskhava (b. 1981)
Shop Kvartskhava Maka
Maka Kvartskhava
Biography - Maka Kvartskhava was born in 1981, Tbilisi - capital of Georgia.
Before starting Painting She was writing short stories, assays, which she used to call "footprints of my inner life and my dreams".
Then came time when her inspirations took her at the edge of Art and her inner opportunity knocked from inside, so she decided to build a door and to take her first steps in colorful world of Art.
So Artist's assays and stories became expressed in drawings and paintings and still she calls her paintings a kind of short stories about her and emotions that surrounds and that are inspired inner and outer world of life.
Artist with the inevitable influences of the creative movements that she develops with her own style.
Graduated from the State University of International law and relations and after few years of working in this field she realized, - Her home is where her heART is.
Her works are sold in independent galleries and privately, while developing the style and technique that she has today.
Works mostly in oil;
Artist's statement
For Maka Stillwhite Art is inner and outer therapy, which helps her to look through our being and by the help of God it's a tool to search inside and discover the source of complete freedom, peace and hope.
It s very appreciated that her artworks may become the source of inspiration and positive emotions for other people, though her main massage lies beyond this and is directed to each person's inner treasure - Soul, as the main victory expects us in the point where besides weakness or healthiness of our body, heart is filled with love, mind filled up with hope and spirit with peace.
Artist shop
Kvartskhava Maka
Number of products: 5
Almost Spring
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
Spring stars 03
Maka Kvartskhava (b. 1981)
Shop Kvartskhava Maka
Maka Kvartskhava
Biography - Maka Kvartskhava was born in 1981, Tbilisi - capital of Georgia.
Before starting Painting She was writing short stories, assays, which she used to call "footprints of my inner life and my dreams".
Then came time when her inspirations took her at the edge of Art and her inner opportunity knocked from inside, so she decided to build a door and to take her first steps in colorful world of Art.
So Artist's assays and stories became expressed in drawings and paintings and still she calls her paintings a kind of short stories about her and emotions that surrounds and that are inspired inner and outer world of life.
Artist with the inevitable influences of the creative movements that she develops with her own style.
Graduated from the State University of International law and relations and after few years of working in this field she realized, - Her home is where her heART is.
Her works are sold in independent galleries and privately, while developing the style and technique that she has today.
Works mostly in oil;
Artist's statement
For Maka Stillwhite Art is inner and outer therapy, which helps her to look through our being and by the help of God it's a tool to search inside and discover the source of complete freedom, peace and hope.
It s very appreciated that her artworks may become the source of inspiration and positive emotions for other people, though her main massage lies beyond this and is directed to each person's inner treasure - Soul, as the main victory expects us in the point where besides weakness or healthiness of our body, heart is filled with love, mind filled up with hope and spirit with peace.
Artist shop
Kvartskhava Maka
Number of products: 5
"Spring come"
Sergei Zorov (b. 1956)
Shop Zorov Sergei
Sergei Zorov
Работа над картинами, над портретами, сюжетными полотнами, и скульптурой неустанно проходящая прямой линией через всю жизнь художника, является основной целью жизни художника.
«Огненное солнце, раскалённые пески, голубые миражи» – это всё в сердце художника, это и есть то место, где родилась мечта. Не потерять мечту в течении жизни, сохранить то лучшее, что дала человеку природа от рождения и донести это до людей задача художника
Artist shop
Zorov Sergei
Number of products: 22
Where the spring dreams lead. Куда приводят весенние мечты
Medea Paatashvili (b. 1976)
Shop Paatashvili Medea
Medea Paatashvili
Живу в Москве. Осознанно занимаюсь искусством с 12 лет. Первая персональная выставка состоялась в 19 лет в Институте Иностранных Языков в г. Тбилиси. После этого многократно выставлялась в Тбилиси и Москве. Участница более 23-х выставок и мероприятий.
Artist shop
Paatashvili Medea
Number of products: 1
Весна 2018 Spring 2018
Koryun Abgaryan (b. 1952)
Shop Abgaryan Koryun
Koryun Abgaryan
Занимаюсь проектированием и архитектурным надзором промышленных ,жилищных, торгово- развлекательных объектов, оформлением и выполнением дизайнерских работ (эскизы, рисунки от руки, роспись на стенах, барельеф, витражи), а также разработкой и рабочими чертежами индивидуальной мебели и кованых изделий (ворота, ограда, решетки, люстры, бра и т.д.). В Ереване 1977-1992 г.г. организовал детскую художественную студию «Ачкабац» или «Глазастик», где научил детей снимать страх перед рисованием, гармонизировать пространство вокруг себя и преодолеть внутреннее волнение. Во время работы с детьми сформировалась интересная методика , о которой в 1988 г. был снят документальный фильм и написаны статьи в разных газетах. Большой опыт по росписи на стенах, где рисунки получаются не только объёмными, но и динамичными. А персонажи в рисунках нарисованы и построены таким образом, что мы имеем возможность увидеть одновременно всех героев на четырёх стенах только из одной точки.
Ознакомиться с работами можно в Международной Энциклопедии « Википедия» в любой поисковой системе , набрав Абгарян, Корюн Абгарович - Википедия и в Арт- галерее http://artnow.ru/ru/gallery/0/641.html
Artist shop
Abgaryan Koryun
Number of products: 9
Spring evening
Ivan Ormanzhi (b. 1976)
Shop Ormanzhi Ivan
Ivan Ormanzhi
I'm not professional artist, because I ern money by another profession. I'm a web developer from Ukraine, but painting time after time all of my life. For fun, for my games and for my web sites. I'm happy when I paint and I see that many people like my artworks. It's a good reason not to stop.
I didn't graduate any Art School... Yes, It's not a reason to pride, but in our time, with the Internet we can study everything at home. It doesn't matter what do you do... but it matters that you do it with love.
Artist shop
Ormanzhi Ivan
Number of products: 32
Spring in the Forest
Artyom Ukhov (b. 1982)
Shop Ukhov Artyom
Artyom Ukhov
Artist and designer, has 15 exhibitions and 3 rewards
Ухов Артем Евгеньевич,
1982 г.р., г. Череповец, Вологодской области,
vk.com: uae82
Personal exhibition in Ustuzhna district library of K.N.Batushkov, June – August 2018, Ustuzhna town;
Art-Start, young modern art, Krasny most gallery, May, 30th – July 1st, Vologda city;
Russian Art Week, XXIV International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 23rd – 29th,
Vologda Regional Exhibition “Orthodoxian Vologda” April, 25th – June 2nd2018, Vologda city.
Vologda Regional Exhibition dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Vologda city, September, 22nd – October, 30th 2017, Vologda city.
“Shire krug 8” Annual art exhibition of young artist of Vologda city Nov, 1st, 2016 – Feb, 5th, 2017;
“Shire krug 7” Annual art exhibition of young artist of Vologda city Dec, 23rd, 2015 -Feb,20th, 2016;
Personal exhibition in Ustuzhna district library of K.N.Batushkov, Dec, 2015 — Jan, 2016;
«ArtExpoSPb 2016», October, 21st-23rd 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Personal art exhibition in Vologda State Technical University Library, October-november 2012;
2nd place in “Painting” nomination of Russian Art Week, XXIV International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 23rd – 29th, 2018.
1st place in “subject picture” nomination of Saint-Petersburg Art Week, X International Exhibition & Competition of Contemporary Arts, Saint-Petersburg, April, 28th – May, 3rd, 2018.
3nd place in “genre picture” nomination of Russian Art Week, XXVI International Exhibition & Competition of Modern and Contemporary Art, Moscow, April, 8rd – 14th, 2019.
Artist shop
Ukhov Artyom
Number of products: 62
Elena Zimovets (b. 1956)
Shop Zimovets Elena
Elena Zimovets
Professional certified fashion designer, painter, illustrator and graphic designer.
Graduated from the Moscow Textile University named after Kosygin, Faculty of Applied Arts (since 1982).
From 1982 to 1993 she worked at the House of Models as the chief designer and designer: she created collections of ready-to-wear and Haute Couture clothes.
From 1999 to 2002 - Lecturer at the International Private Academy of Audiovisual Arts in disciplines: painting, drawing, composition, modeling and costume history and color graphics.
In 2008 in Portugal (Portimao) a personal exhibition "In harmony with the soul" was successfully held,
The exhibition was widely covered by television, radio and the press.
Member of the GemlucArt Monaco community.
Recent exhibitions:
2016 - Suquet des arts, Cannes, France
2016 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2017 - GemlucArt, Monte Carlo Contemporary Art Fair, Monaco
2018 - "Russian Seasons Club" - Exhibition in Gray d'Albion, Cannes.
2019-2020 - Personal exhibition in Grasse. Paintings are in private collections.
About creativity:
“I have developed my own painting technique on transparent fabrics such as organza. This is not batik, but color graphics and painting on fabric. I also work in other techniques and with different materials: pastel, acrylic, oil, watercolor, etc.
Recently, I have been researching movement and pulsation: forms, lines and points in abstract painting and in space, as well as their architectonics. I developed my own technique and style, working with line and point, namely with drops of paint, which I then stretch into lines of different thicknesses. This is my conceptual idea for my abstract painting. Its origin lies in my works in the style of Khokhloma and Zhostovo, on which I worked in the 70s of the 20th century.
Artist shop
Zimovets Elena
Number of products: 12
Fragment of spring
Stanislav Sotnikov (b. 1988)
Shop Sotnikov Stanislav
Stanislav Sotnikov
Станислав Сотников. Родился в Могилеве (Беларусь). Музыкант, певец, художник.
Любимые направления: сюрреализм, абстракционизм.
Artist shop
Sotnikov Stanislav
Number of products: 7
Early spring on "The Stone island " in Saint-Petersburg
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
MARINA Havova (b. 1978)
Shop Havova MARINA
Я не могу жить без живописи. Я владею разными техниками, но моя пламенная любовь-акварель, живая волшебная краска.
В акварели я стараюсь достичь живой эмоции. Моя цель: достичь слияния с краской, чтобы акварель свободно разливалась по бумаге, создавая желаемые мне образы.
Получая истинное удовольствие от написания каждой картины, надеюсь, что передаю через картину свою любовь!
Стоимость доставки не включена и рассчитывается отдельно для каждого региона доставки. Доставку оплачивает покупатель.
Artist shop
Number of products: 188
Полёт над весной / Flight over the Spring
Viktorija Matisone (b. 1972)
Shop Matisone Viktorija
Viktorija Matisone
1984 – 1991 art school named after Janis Rozentals, painting department
1983 – 1990 study at Masha Ainbinder’s workshop
1990 – 1993 participation in three group exhibitions at the Bastejs Gallery
1991 – 1996 Master’s Degree in Book Design, Moscow Print University (Institute of Polygraphy)
1991 – 2010 work as a graphic designer
2009 – return to painting
March 2014 solo exhibition The Tissue of Life at the Pegazs Gallery, Riga
2015 – 2016 exhibiting and cooperation with the LNK Centre
March 2016 solo exhibition The Return of Time, Gallery Rietumu
August 2017 Edited illustrated by autor book „Fairytale about the King Kefir”
October 2017 Coexhibition Remission art museum Jelgava //
Viktorija Matisone
24.05.72, Рига, Латвия.
Специальное образование:
1984 – 1991, художественная школа имени Яна Розентала, отделение живописи.
1983 – 1990, учёба в мастерской живописца Маши Айнбиндер.
1990 – 1993, участие в трёх групповых выставках в галерее Bastejs.
1991 – 1996, Московский Университет Печати (Полиграфический институт), магистр по специальности книжная графика.
1991 – 2010, работа в области полиграфического дизайна: книжная графика, реклама.
С 2009-го возвращение к живописи.
2014.03 – персональная выставка «Ткань жизни» в галерее «Pegazs» (Рига).
2015 – 2016, выставки в офисе фирмы LNK Centre.
2016.04 – персональная выставка «Возвращение времени» в галерее «Rietumu» (Рига).
2017 – Издание авторской книги «Сказка о короле Кефире, стране Кренделярии и бубликах».
2017 – Участие в совместной выставке «Ремиссия», художественный музей, Елгава.
Artist shop
Matisone Viktorija
Number of products: 5
Весна в Голландии / Spring in Holland
Nataliya Kashubina (b. 1972)
Shop Kashubina Nataliya
Nataliya Kashubina
Родилась и живу в г. Киев, Украина
По образованию инженер. Специального художественного образования не имею. Творчеством занимаюсь с 2015 года. Основные направления - скетчи, акрил, акварель, масляная живопись, .
Посвящаю рисунку и живописи все свободное время. Живопись - это прекрасный способ поделиться с миром счастьем и положительными эмоциями.
Свои работы подписываю псевдонимом - Тата Каминская (Tata Kaminskaya)
Мои работы находятся в частных коллекциях в Украине, Швеции, Швейцарии, Польше.
Artist shop
Kashubina Nataliya
Number of products: 11
Весна в Брюгге. Spring in Brugge
Ekaterina Koshukova (b. 1979)
Shop Koshukova Ekaterina
Ekaterina Koshukova
Занимаюсь рисунком и живописью с 2012 года, обучаюсь у профессиональных художников-педагогов в школе-студии "Дивина Гармония", Минск.
Пишу маслом (пейзажи), рисую пастелью, углем (портреты) и тушью в технике китайской живописи се-и.
Artist shop
Koshukova Ekaterina
Number of products: 20
Eternal spring
Daniel Iaremchuk (b. 1974)
Shop Iaremchuk Daniel
Daniel Iaremchuk
биография очень проста, родился 4 июля 1974 года,на краю земли в Туркменистане,на берегу Каспия,мне 44 года и я до сих пор фантазирую и мечтаю как ребёнок))),занимаюсь живописью с самого детства - это моя медитация,моя жизнь,мой земной путь,искусство для меня единственное, что не убивает во мне человека)мыслителя,философа,я как ветерок перманентен и всегда заряжаюсь всем вокруг и стараюсь вдыхать смысл этого всего,я экзистенциалист одним словом)
Artist shop
Iaremchuk Daniel
Number of products: 21
Early spring
Pavel Vasilyeu (b. 1988)
Shop Vasilyeu Pavel
Pavel Vasilyeu
Родился в 1988 году в г.Новополоцке.
В 2014 году окончил университет ВГУ им. П.М.Машерова. Обучался у Чмиля А.А., Костогрыза О.Д., Цыбульского М.Л., Карпана А.Ф.
2007 г. - Участие в международной выставке во Франции в замке Шато де Ро “Ноги”.
2009 г. – Участие в выставке “Нео-сарматский портрет”.
2014 г. – Участие в выставке Арт-сессия, Витебск.
2015 г. – Участие в выставке Арт-сезон 2014, Витебск.
- Участие в областной выставке “ Арт алфавит”, Витебск.
- Участие в международной выставке в Орше “Коллегиум”.
- Участие в международном пленере в г. Краслава, Латвия.
2016г. - Выставка Васильевых Павла и Вероники “Диалог мыслей”, художественный музей, Витебск
2017г. – персональная выставка «Цені іншасвету», Новополоцк
2018г. – выставка «Фарбы Лепельщины», Лепель
– «Арт-алфавит», Витебск
– участие в выставке «Новополоцкая палитра»
– участие в пленэре от греко-каталической парафии Петра и Андрея, Брест
2019г. – персональная выставка, г. Новополоцк
С 2014 года работает в УК “Музей истории и культуры г.Новополоцка”.
В 2018 окончил магистратуру ВГУ им. П.М.Машерова.
Artist shop
Vasilyeu Pavel
Number of products: 4
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
In the Evening
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231