3698 Items by auctions and galleries:
Дом у дерева. The house by the tree.
Elena Bolender (b. 1970)
Shop Bolender Elena
Elena Bolender
Меня зовут Болендер Елена, я пишу картины с 2014 года, в 2020 включена в Единый Реестр Профессиональных художников России, с присвоенной категорией 5В - сложившийся профессиональный художник (востребованный).
За это период участвовала в 9 выставках, 5 из которых были персональные, мои работы, на постоянной основе, размещены в местном музее, станица Динская , Краснодарского края.
Пишу, в основном, в стиле импрессионизм, имею собственную технику - мозаика. Люблю писать портреты и пейзажи.
Artist shop
Bolender Elena
Number of products: 51
Дерево / TREE
Ekaterina Zhuchenko RedHeadKat (b. 1979)
Shop Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Ekaterina Zhuchenko RedHeadKat
My name is Ekaterina Zhuchenko, creative pseudonym RedHeadKat.
I have been an artist from an early age. Dad's sketchbook was the greatest treasure. Then I had not dreamed of writing yet
oil. A large set of watercolors in a white plastic box was often secretly taken from the shelf for my
naive art. The thick squirrel brush gave an unforgettable tactile sensation.
But I was able to forget about it "becoming an adult".
I am grateful to the people who helped me return everything. At some point, I realized that I couldn’t stop it. The same set of watercolors, already replenished with new shades. It
became my frequent joy. And oil painting is my discovery and a way to restore connection with my family and father.
1996-1999: Minsk Technological College. Fashion designer with a course in painting and acaemic drawing, in-depth study of fashion illustration
2020 to the present day: studying painting in the Graphics studio, Minsk
2021 course of painting with a palette knife at the St. Petersburg School of Oil Painting
Меня зовут Жученко Екатерина, творческий псевдоним RedHeadKat
Я была художником с малых лет. Папин этюдник был самой большой сокровищницей, хоть я тогда и не мечтала писать маслом. Большой набор акварельных красок в белой пласт-
ковой коробке часто в тайне был взят с полки для моего наивного детского искусства, а толстая кисть-белка дарила незабываемые тактильные ощущения.
Но я смогла забыть об этом "став взрослой".
Я благодарна людям, которые помогли мне всё вернуть. В какой-то момент я поняла, что не писть я уже не смогу. Тот самый набор акварели, уже пополненный новыми оттенками, стал моей частой радостью. А живопись маслом — моим способом восстановления связи с родом и отцом.
Artist shop
Zhuchenko RedHeadKat Ekaterina
Number of products: 21
Деревья. Trees.
Elena Kozar-Gurina (b. 1969)
Shop Kozar-Gurina Elena
Elena Kozar-Gurina
Я по професии врач, люблю искусство, пишу свои авторские картины маслом. Любовь к искусству развила в себе во время учебы в мединституте в Санкт-Петербурге, где я одновременно училась три года искусствоведению при Государственном Эрмитаже. В своих картинах я передаю радость жизни, счастье, надежду на лучшее.I am a doctor. I love art. I paint my paintings in oil. I developed a love of art while studying at the medical institute in St. Petersburg where I simultaneously studied art for three years at the State Hermitage Museum. In my paintings I convey the joy of life, happiness, hope for the best.
Artist shop
Kozar-Gurina Elena
Number of products: 255
Glybochitska street
Viktoria Voloshina (b. 2000)
Shop Voloshina Viktoria
Viktoria Voloshina
Я – современная художница из Украины 2000 года рождения. Увлекаясь искусством с детства, в более зрелом возрасте я поняла что оно всегда будет неотъемлемой частью моей жизни. Мой стиль формировался годами проб и экспериментов как с тематикой произведений, так и с материалами для их создания, окончательно сформировав свой стиль в начале 2018того, найдя отклик души в линиях архитектуры, настроении улиц, истории мест и их изменчивости.
С тех пор большая часть моих работ стала связана с урбанистикой, а в качестве материала в предпочтениях акрил из за его быстрого схватывания, позволяющего запечатлеть мимолётное настроение и атмосферу того или иного пейзажа. Все пейзажи, которые отображены в моих картинах - это места Украины, преимущественно Киева. Можно сказать, что искусство стало для меня своеобразной "терапией" и успокоением, и мне хочется что бы глядя на мои работы зрители ощущали то же самое, созерцая сдержанную гамму и локальные мелкие детали.
Выпускница ДХСШ им.Т.Г.Шевченка
В 2018 поступила в НАОМА
Artist shop
Voloshina Viktoria
Number of products: 14
Hetman Sahaydachny Street. Kiev
Nataliia Bahatska (b. 1967)
Shop Bahatska Nataliia
Nataliia Bahatska
I was born in 1967.
Graduated childrens art school.
Graduated from Kyiv National University of Design, designer in 1993.
Academy of Psychosocial Technologies in 2008
The artworks are in Ukraine, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, France, UK, USA, Vietnam, Canada, Netherlands.
Recently, all paintings have been created in hyperrealism and pop art.
Exhibition "Pro Cheese", ArtHall "D12", Kiev, 2021.
IV Ukrainian Festival of Contemporary Women's Art at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2021
International exhibition "# 365daysafter" in the gallery "Artist", Kyiv, 2021. Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Palace of Arts, Lviv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Museum of History of Kyiv, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition "HRYVNA ART" in the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2021.
Exhibition at the Sky Mall, Kiev. 2021
Competition Pro Cheese Awards, Kiev, Parkovy Exhibition and Convention Center. Grand Prix. 2021
Exhibition "Барви світу" in Parlament of Ukraine. Kyiv. Ukraine, 2019
Sheldon Rose Gallery, "Big Ideas in Small Art", Toronto, Canada, 2019
Group exhibition from Ukraine at 58 Venice Biennale, "Falling shadow Dreams over gardens Giardini ". Italy, 2019
Exhibition "Vizionario" in la galleria Merlino Bottega d'arte di Firenze. Italy, 2019
Exhibition in ABC-art gallery. Kyiv, 2019
1st All-Ukrainian Triennale "NU-ART", Kremenchuk, 2018
"Ukraine from Trypillya to the present in the images of contemporary artists" - Biennial. National Union of Artists of Ukraine (NUAU), Kyiv, 2018
"Picturesque Ukraine", NUAU,the city of Severodonetsk, 2017.
Biennale of abstract Painting,NUAU, Kyiv, 2017
Until the Day of the Artist, NUAU, Kyiv, 2016, 2017, 2018.
"Portrait Painting" , gallery "Mytets", Kyiv, 2017
"To the 160th anniversary of Ivan Franko",NUAU, Ivano-Frankivsk city, 2016
On Independence Day of Ukraine, NUAU, Kyiv, 2017, 2018,
When buying, please specify the payment and delivery methods.
Artist shop
Bahatska Nataliia
Number of products: 231
The Money Tree
Vyacheslav IG (b. 1964)
Shop IG Vyacheslav
Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL
Artist shop
IG Vyacheslav
Number of products: 103
Beaulieu, France, hot day, palm tree.
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
Ape tree.
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
The tree above table
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
The green willow tree on "The Stone island "
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
"The tree of life"
Elena Vart (b. 1983)
Shop Vart Elena
Elena Vart
Добрый день. Меня зовут Елена.
Восемь лет училась в художественной студии искусств.
После окончания школы преподавала курсы рисования в творческом союзе "Отцы и Дети". Далее перешла в сферу компьютерных технологий и фотоиндустрии.
Всю свою жизнь и по сей день возвращаюсь к художественному искусству, т.к. постоянно чувствовала, что должна заниматься именно этим.
В данный момент живу только творчеством.
Для меня очень важны эмоции, возможно даже слишком, иногда говорят, что живу в своем мире... Может быть так оно и есть) Одно могу сказать точно, когда я творю, то растворяюсь. Останавливается время, уйма мыслей живут своей жизнью, появляется какое-то волшебное, сверхъестественное чувство. Эти редкие моменты вдохновения берутся отовсюду, ведь красоту, счастье, легко ощутить, оно вокруг нас: в теплоте близких людей, в лучах солнца, в каплях дождя...
Мои картины, в частности, написаны в стиле экспрессионизм и модерн. Возможны и графические работы. Все они очень разные, в зависимости от вдохновения, настроения, эмоционального состояния.
Кто-то сказал о моей картине, что она идеально смотрелась бы в детской, т.к. от нее веет спокойствием и сказкой, в другой же многие увидели реку и всплеск эмоций...
И я искренне надеюсь, что каждый человек увидит для себя, во всех моих полотнах, что-то эмоционально прекрасное!
Artist shop
Vart Elena
Number of products: 7
дерево / tree
Leo Adam Shatsylo (b. 1959)
Shop Shatsylo Leo Adam
Leo Adam Shatsylo
Шацило Леонид Адамович, 1959 г.р. с 1982 по 1986 учился в Одесском Государственном художественном училище имени М.Б. Грекова на отделение скульптура. Работал в Хмельницком худкомбинате Худ Фонда УССР.
Artist shop
Shatsylo Leo Adam
Number of products: 14
The Soul of a Tree
Natalie Ina (b. 1998)
Shop Ina Natalie
Natalie Ina
Natalie Ina. Artist and art-photographer. I work on paintings in a dark style in various materials from graphics to oil paintings. I also have my own photo project in the style of Dark fashion.
For all questions and to purchase paintings you can write to my email: [email protected].
See more: https://www.instagram.com/natalieina.art
Artist shop
Ina Natalie
Number of products: 12
Philisophycal tree
Maxim Zinov'ev (b. 1997)
Shop Zinov'ev Maxim
Maxim Zinov'ev
Мое творчество - это соединение разных видов искуссств. Я - Максим Зиновьев являюсь художником, композитором и поэтом. И когда начинаю писать, то зачастую включаю музыку и начинаю процесс. Многое зависит от внутреннего состояния. Недавно я был в состоянии экзистенциального кризиса, эпизод тяжелей депрессии, и включив музыку написал "Философское дерево", которое мне самому очень нравится. Синтез восприятия одного искусства приводит меня к созданию другого искусства.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.
Artist shop
Zinov'ev Maxim
Number of products: 20
Autumn tree
nino gudadze (b. 1985)
Shop gudadze nino
nino gudadze
I am from Georgia. I live in Tbilisi.
I am a graphic and web designer by profession.
I began to paint in 2016.
It was a real discovery for me, to show up myself and the case which I love very much.
I am taking the individual courses and have a wonderful teacher, who shares his knowledge and experience and is the best source of inspiration for me.
Artist shop
gudadze nino
Number of products: 23
Original art: Italian summer countryside. French Tuscany. Field of red poppies, a field of yellow rye. Rural houses and high cypress trees on the hill. Mountains in the background.
Valery Rybakow (b. 1980)
Shop Rybakow Valery
Valery Rybakow
Valery Rybakow
Member of the Professional Union of Artists
The artist's paintings in 6 museums around the world. For 15 years, more than 685 paintings have been written.
The artist's paintings are in 31 countries around the world. Author of the book "Bright painting palette knife".
Since 2006, the artist began to exhibit his works at international exhibitions of painting in a virtual mode, which allowed collectors of different countries to get acquainted with the artist's work. To date, his works are in private collections of 31 mine countries: Russia, Ukraine, USA, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Canada, China, Brazil Singapore, Australia, Brunei Darussalam and other countries.
In addition to painting Valery Rybakou engaged in artistic photography and design.
Since 2010 he is a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia.
Over the past years, he has conducted numerous solo exhibitions in many cities and countries.
Participant of international competitions and exhibitions of contemporary fine art in the 2010-2018 period – “Eastern Art Prizes”, ArtPreview, Light Space & Time Art, "3rd Ward Open Call", "Illustrators of the Future Contest", "Art Takes Miami 2011", "Artists Wanted" , "3rd Art Competition on Artavita", "New Masters 2012 Art Competition", "WorkingTitle365", a solo exhibition in the cities of China
In 2010 he was included in the international art catalog International Dictionary of Artists (World Wide Art Books)
Currently, the work of Valery Rybakov is dominated by still life and landscape. Nature was surprisingly consonant with the artist's inner worldview, and therefore his works, regardless of the chosen genre, are organic, felt, passed "through themselves."
In the landscapes of the artist, filled with the play of light, captures the unique beauty of native nature: the warm golden colors of autumn, the variety of colors, the vast expanses of fields.
Artist shop
Rybakow Valery
Number of products: 1
Hot wind in pine trees of Ancona
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111
Cyprus, fir trees, horses are training.
Alla Senatorova (b. 1964)
Shop Senatorova Alla
Alla Senatorova
Алла Сенаторова
1964 родилась в Ленинграде
1987 закончила Академию Прикладного Искусства и Дизайна имен
Сreative biography
Alla Senatorova
1964 was born in Saint-Petersburg
1987 graduated from The Academy of Applied Arts and Design, Saint-Petersburg Russia
1991 the member of The Union of Artists of Russia, the department of Saint-Petersburg.
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg.
1999 one of two constituters of art duet “Buton” (“Flower Bud”)
2000 one of two constituters of Art fallery “Aphrodite”, Poitiere, France
Resides and works in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Selected art exhibitions:
Personal exhibitions:
1993 «Admiring Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1994 «Recollecting Gauguin», gallery of Elena Nikitina, Helsinki, Finland
1995 «Dances». Anima bank, Sain-Petersburg, Russia
1996-1997 «Asakusa’s Dances» Delta gallery, Spb, Russia
1997 «Ancient love», Wim Zwijsen gallery, Hoorn, Holland
1997 «Ancient love to stillifes» Museum of The Institute of Social History, Amsterdam Holland
1998 «3 artists», Ethnography Museum, Spb., Russia
1998 «Spaces», Museum of Lilyveld, Enhuizen, Holland
1999 «Buton» / with Sveta Nosova, Gallery «Borey», Spb, Russia
2000-2009 «4 Seasons» and «Gardens», Gallery «Aphrodite» Poitiere, France
Group exhibitions:
1987 «Free breath». Gallery «Maxa»,Leningrad, Russia
1988 «Man and woman»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1989 «Genius of 21 century»/ gallery «Canal Griboedova», Leningrad,Russia
1991 «The summer day». Art center «Pushkinskaya-10», Spb, Russia
1992 «Russian Christmas», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1993 «Petrushka», Schwabisch – Hall, Badenwurtenberg, Germany
1994 «Favorite» / Exhibiting Hall of Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists, Spb., Russia
1997 «Eros», Central Exhibiting Hall Manege, Spb., Russia
1998-1999 «Talking to American psychologists», art studio of Alexander Zadorin, Spb, Russia
2000 «Metaphysics of whim and caprice» / with Sveta Nosova and Helen Serebryakova
Artist shop
Senatorova Alla
Number of products: 111