1 Items by auctions and galleries:
мельхиор штайдль (1657 - 1727)
Lot 695 Steidl, Melchior (attr.)
Melchior Steidl (1657 - 1727)
182_3: Alte Kunst & Antiquitäten, Tag II 

Melchior Steidl
10.11.1657 - 04.08.1727
Melchior Steidl was a German painter. He created frescoes and murals in Benedictine monasteries in Austria, Carmelite churches in Bavaria, and others.

Nagel Auktionen GmbH
182_3: Alte Kunst & Antiquitäten, Tag II
Date: 20.04.2023 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 242