4 Items by auctions and galleries:
церковь в лесу
«Осот - трава сорная». Картина продана. Возможно изготовление фотокопии под заказ.
Sviatlana Vetrava (b. 1968)
Shop Vetrava Sviatlana

Sviatlana Vetrava
Exploring ethnography and mythology, I shape the patterns of an ethnic group. Drawing on the ancient wisdom of folk tales and contemporary scientific research in psychology, sociology, and philosophy, I seek mythological metaphors that reflect the relationship between humans and the external world. In their unity and opposition, I see both immense potential and limiting factors for the development of an individual personality.
Participating in narrative events as an archaic, demonized feminine entity—Yaga-Roga—I personally traverse the path of my hero, embracing them and transforming along with them. While remaining myself, I am transformed through the metamorphoses of your destinies.
My authorial universe is created through a multidisciplinary approach. I work in the technique of acrylic painting, enhancing it with elements of mixed media. By combining methods of grisaille and polychromy, abstraction and figurative art, ornamentation, and local color, I develop my own unique visual language.
The language of performance and happening helps me establish a personal connection with the audience, gain instant feedback, and make them co-participants in the creative process.
This is how I create my own myth, immersing the audience in which they can discover pathways to overcome complex life challenges.

Artist shop
Vetrava Sviatlana
Number of products: 51
Landscape with a Temple
Vyacheslav IG (b. 1964)
Shop IG Vyacheslav

Vyacheslav IG
I was born and live in Russia, in the city of Samara.
From time to time in different years of his life he drew pictures and cartoons. I have been doing oil painting since 1998. He painted pictures for several years. Then there was a break.
For the last few years I have been doing oil and acrylic paintings on canvas and hardboard. I like this activity. Many works have been sold and donated. So I decided to participate on the VIL site.
Я родился и живу в России, в городе Самара.
Время от времени? в разные годы жизни я рисовал картины и карикатуры. Занимаюсь масляной живописью с 1998 года. Несколько лет писал картины. Потом был перерыв.
Последние несколько лет я делаю картины маслом и акрилом на холсте и оргалите. Мне нравится это занятие. Многие работы были проданы и подарены. Поэтому я решил участвовать на сайте VIL

Artist shop
IG Vyacheslav
Number of products: 103
Золотой век
Ales Filipovich (b. 1959)
Shop Filipovich Ales

Ales Filipovich
Родился в г. Минске в 1959 г.
В 1979 г. закончил художественное училище имени А.К. Глебова, в 1993 г. Белорусскую Академию искусств в г. Минске (отделение станковой живописи). Член Белорусского союза художников.
Первая всесоюзная выставка 1982 г. – начало выставочной деятельности.
Произведения находятся в фондах музеев Беларуси, Национальной библиотеки Республики Беларусь, в частных коллекциях Беларуси, США, Германии, Англии, Италии, Литвы, России, Украины, Латвии, Эстонии, Франции.
Работает в жанре исторической картины, портрета, пейзажа, натюрморта.

Artist shop
Filipovich Ales
Number of products: 10