эрнст карл ойген кёрнер (1846 - 1927)

Ernst Karl Eugen Koerner was a German painter of the last third of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is known as a painter, landscape painter and marinist.
Koerner received his art education in Berlin, after which he traveled extensively, depicting the areas he visited with oil paints and watercolors. The period from 1873 to 1886 was particularly productive for the artist, when he made numerous visits to Egypt and the Middle East. His most popular paintings depict Egyptian architecture, often against a backdrop of vivid picturesque sunsets.

Ernst Karl Eugen Koerner was a German painter of the last third of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is known as a painter, landscape painter and marinist.
Koerner received his art education in Berlin, after which he traveled extensively, depicting the areas he visited with oil paints and watercolors. The period from 1873 to 1886 was particularly productive for the artist, when he made numerous visits to Egypt and the Middle East. His most popular paintings depict Egyptian architecture, often against a backdrop of vivid picturesque sunsets.

Ernst Karl Eugen Koerner was a German painter of the last third of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is known as a painter, landscape painter and marinist.
Koerner received his art education in Berlin, after which he traveled extensively, depicting the areas he visited with oil paints and watercolors. The period from 1873 to 1886 was particularly productive for the artist, when he made numerous visits to Egypt and the Middle East. His most popular paintings depict Egyptian architecture, often against a backdrop of vivid picturesque sunsets.

Ernst Karl Eugen Koerner was a German painter of the last third of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He is known as a painter, landscape painter and marinist.
Koerner received his art education in Berlin, after which he traveled extensively, depicting the areas he visited with oil paints and watercolors. The period from 1873 to 1886 was particularly productive for the artist, when he made numerous visits to Egypt and the Middle East. His most popular paintings depict Egyptian architecture, often against a backdrop of vivid picturesque sunsets.