
Christiaan Huygens van Zeelhem was a Dutch mechanic, physicist, mathematician, inventor and astronomer who formulated the wave theory of light.
An admirer of Descartes, Huygens preferred to conduct new experiments himself to observe and formulate laws. In physics, he contributed to the development of the crucial Huygens-Fresnel principle, which applies to wave propagation. He also extensively investigated free fall. He experimentally proved the law of conservation of momentum. He derived the law of centrifugal force for uniform circular motion.
He also invented the pendulum clock, discovered centrifugal force and the true shape of Saturn's rings as well as its moon Titan. Huygens is considered the first theoretical physicist to use formulas in physics and one of the founders of theoretical mechanics and probability theory.

Christiaen Gillisz. van Couwenbergh was a Dutch Golden Age artist. He specialised in large historical allegories as wall decorations, often life-size. He also made drawings for tapestries.

Christiaan Huygens van Zeelhem was a Dutch mechanic, physicist, mathematician, inventor and astronomer who formulated the wave theory of light.
An admirer of Descartes, Huygens preferred to conduct new experiments himself to observe and formulate laws. In physics, he contributed to the development of the crucial Huygens-Fresnel principle, which applies to wave propagation. He also extensively investigated free fall. He experimentally proved the law of conservation of momentum. He derived the law of centrifugal force for uniform circular motion.
He also invented the pendulum clock, discovered centrifugal force and the true shape of Saturn's rings as well as its moon Titan. Huygens is considered the first theoretical physicist to use formulas in physics and one of the founders of theoretical mechanics and probability theory.

Cornelis Christiaan Dommersen, born as Dommelhuizen, was a Dutch painter and watercolourist.
Cornelis Christiaan specialized just like his brother in sea -and river scapes and coastal scenery as those paintings had found a revival during the 19th century in Europe. He traveled abroad to countries such as England, America, Belgium and France, just like his countryman Abraham Hulk Senior did. However, in the end he found satisfaction painting not only river- and seascapes in the Netherlands but also the interior of villages and towns along the rivers.

Cornelis Christiaan Dommersen, born as Dommelhuizen, was a Dutch painter and watercolourist.
Cornelis Christiaan specialized just like his brother in sea -and river scapes and coastal scenery as those paintings had found a revival during the 19th century in Europe. He traveled abroad to countries such as England, America, Belgium and France, just like his countryman Abraham Hulk Senior did. However, in the end he found satisfaction painting not only river- and seascapes in the Netherlands but also the interior of villages and towns along the rivers.

Christiaan Huygens van Zeelhem was a Dutch mechanic, physicist, mathematician, inventor and astronomer who formulated the wave theory of light.
An admirer of Descartes, Huygens preferred to conduct new experiments himself to observe and formulate laws. In physics, he contributed to the development of the crucial Huygens-Fresnel principle, which applies to wave propagation. He also extensively investigated free fall. He experimentally proved the law of conservation of momentum. He derived the law of centrifugal force for uniform circular motion.
He also invented the pendulum clock, discovered centrifugal force and the true shape of Saturn's rings as well as its moon Titan. Huygens is considered the first theoretical physicist to use formulas in physics and one of the founders of theoretical mechanics and probability theory.

Christiaan Huygens van Zeelhem was a Dutch mechanic, physicist, mathematician, inventor and astronomer who formulated the wave theory of light.
An admirer of Descartes, Huygens preferred to conduct new experiments himself to observe and formulate laws. In physics, he contributed to the development of the crucial Huygens-Fresnel principle, which applies to wave propagation. He also extensively investigated free fall. He experimentally proved the law of conservation of momentum. He derived the law of centrifugal force for uniform circular motion.
He also invented the pendulum clock, discovered centrifugal force and the true shape of Saturn's rings as well as its moon Titan. Huygens is considered the first theoretical physicist to use formulas in physics and one of the founders of theoretical mechanics and probability theory.

Pierre Gassendi was a French Catholic priest, Epicurean philosopher, mathematician, astronomer and researcher of ancient texts.
He taught rhetoric at Diné and philosophy at Aix-en-Provence. Gassendi's Syntagma philosophicum, the result of his historical research and philosophical reflections, is a well-known work. Several of his works on astronomy, physics and mechanics were also published in the 17th century.

Jan Kops is a Dutch agronomist, botanist and publisher of thematic journals.
In his youth, Kops was interested in botany, but had to study to become a priest. He soon became disillusioned with a career as a preacher and took up his favorite occupation. The fruit of his botanical research was the first volume of the Flora of Batavia, published in 1800. He was engaged in the task of converting the dunes into agricultural land.
Kops great importance to the country's agriculture lies mainly in his work as the first Dutch agricultural official. He possessed great efficiency and great perseverance. On Kops's initiative, the first Dutch agricultural journal, Magazijn van Vaderlandschen Landbouw, appeared between 1803 and 1814, which he himself edited.

Hermann van Hall or Hermannus Christian van Hall was a Dutch botanist and agrarian, the founder of higher agricultural education.
In 1825, van Hall was appointed professor of botany and land economics at the University of Groningen. He was responsible for a collection of demonstration models, an economic garden and a farm where profitable cash crops were grown. In 1842, he took the initiative to establish the Graduate School of Land Economics in Groningen. The Dutch institute of applied sciences was subsequently named in his honor - Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, often abbreviated VHL.

Friedrich Miquel, full name Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel, was a Dutch botanist, professor of botany at Utrecht and Amsterdam Universities.
Miquel was also head of the botanical gardens in Rotterdam (1835-1846) and Amsterdam (1846-1859), and was head of the State Herbarium in Leiden from 1862. Friedrich Miquel wrote several books on the flora of the Dutch East Indies. Corresponding with collectors in Australia and Indonesia, he amassed large herbarium collections from these regions.

Carl Ludwig Johann Christineck was a Russian portrait painter of German origin whose works are exhibited in important art museums.
Throughout his life, Christineck worked as a portrait painter in Saint Petersburg, where he received his artistic training and where he achieved fame. One of his teachers was Lucas Conrad Pfandzelt, a German painter, copyist, restorer, collector and dealer.

Christian Rohlfs was a German painter and printmaker, one of the important representatives of German expressionism.