3027 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 122 Ethel Carrick Fox (1872-1952)
Ethel Carrick Fox (1872 - 1952)
Topographical Pictures, including China Trade Paintings. ARCTIC · AMERICAS · AFRICA · ASIA · AUSTRALASIA · ANTARCTICA 

Ethel Carrick Fox
07.02.1872 - 17.06.1952
United Kingdom
Ethel Carrick Fox was an English Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painter. Much of her career was spent in France and in Australia, where she was associated with the movement known as the Heidelberg School.

Topographical Pictures, including China Trade Paintings. ARCTIC · AMERICAS · AFRICA · ASIA · AUSTRALASIA · ANTARCTICA
Date: 05.11.2020 07:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 122
Lot 4820 Drei Porzellanfiguren - Braunschweiger Löwe, stehender Foxterrier, Bayerischer Löwe, Fürstenberg, Bavaria Jaeger & Co, Nymphenburg, Mitte des 20. Jhdts.
A102: Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken 

Hermann Historica
A102: Kunst, Antiquitäten & Antiken
Date: 19.11.2024 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1082
Lot 223 Foxterrier Steiff, Mohairplüsch, mit Halsband, Etikett ''FOX'', Knopf mit langgezogenem ''F'' und Fahne 1322,03, wohl um 1949-59, L: 27 cm
A79-1: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design 

Yves Siebers Auktionen GmbH
A79-1: Art | Antiques & Modern Art | design
Date: 17.11.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1157
"Fox in meditation"
Irina Nevshupa (b. 1975)
Shop Nevshupa Irina

Irina Nevshupa
Живу и работаю в г. Киеве. Основная специализация - художник-иллюстратор деткой книги уже около 20 лет. Так же занимаюсь росписью детской мебели из дерева, под заказ, и пишу картины.
Мои работы можно посмотреть на сайте : http://illustrators.ru/users/id53747.

Artist shop
Nevshupa Irina
Number of products: 30
Lot 2 Fox Talbot Fullmoon
Darren Almond (1971)
A1108 | Prints & Multiples 

Darren Almond
August 1971
United Kingdom
Darren James Almond is an English artist, based in London. He was nominated for the 2005 Turner Prize. He works in a variety of media including photography and film, which he uses to explore the effects of time on the individual.[3] He uses "sculpture, film and photography to produce work that harnesses the symbolic and emotional potential of objects, places and situations, producing works which have universal as well as personal resonances"

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A1108 | Prints & Multiples
Date: 07.10.2021 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 125