19 Items by auctions and galleries:
hermann teuber (1894 - 1985)
Lot 627 Hermann Teuber - Erinnerung an Venedig. 1960
Hermann Teuber (1894 - 1985)
407-4: Modern Contemporary Art 

Hermann Teuber
12.08.1894 - 24.10.1985
Hermann Teuber was a German painter. His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
407-4: Modern Contemporary Art
Date: 08.12.2022 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 68
Lot 628 Hermann Teuber - Gartenwand. 1969
Hermann Teuber (1894 - 1985)
407-4: Modern Contemporary Art 

Hermann Teuber
12.08.1894 - 24.10.1985
Hermann Teuber was a German painter. His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics.

Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
407-4: Modern Contemporary Art
Date: 08.12.2022 15:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 68
Lot 1610 TEUBER, HERMANN (1894-1985), "Alberobello I",
Hermann Teuber (1894 - 1985)
Kunst, Antiquitäten, Design 

Hermann Teuber
12.08.1894 - 24.10.1985
Hermann Teuber was a German painter. His work was part of the painting event in the art competition at the 1936 Summer Olympics.

EPPLI Auktionshaus
Kunst, Antiquitäten, Design
Date: 24.09.2022 10:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 284