portrait sculpture

Franz von Stuck was a German painter, sculptor, printmaker, and architect. Stuck was best known for his paintings of ancient mythology, receiving substantial critical acclaim with The Sin in 1892.

Anton Henning is a German self-taught artist, designer, sculptor and installer.
He lives and works in Berlin, London and New York and has established himself as a talented and extraordinary furniture and interior designer. Henning is inspired by views of world capitals while developing his own avant-garde styles. He also wittily analyzes art history through his installations, sculptures and paintings.

Margarita Pueva is a Bulgarian and German painter and sculptor.
She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. She has lived and worked in Germany since 1991 and opened the Pueva Gallery in Düsseldorf in 2003.
Pueva focused mainly on the human figure. The people in her paintings are strange, introverted, passive and vulnerable, but her work recalls the magical land of Alice and her Mad Hatter. She was inspired by medieval religious sculpture and the primitive art of Africa. Pueva's work is regularly presented in Germany, France, Italy, and the UK.

Alfred Hrdlicka was an Austrian sculptor, painter, and professor. His surname is sometimes written Hrdlička.

Wilhelm Loth was a famous German painter, sculptor and graphic artist.