626 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 538 Views at station 9: David Scott’s visor; telephotographs; “abstract” close-ups of the lunar surface; TV picture; Irwin installing a core tube, July 26-August 7, 1971, EVA 3
Voyage to Another World: The Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection 

Voyage to Another World: The Victor Martin-Malburet Photograph Collection
Date: 20.11.2020 00:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 703
Carl Steffeck (1818 - 1890)
Auction 100-III. Sculptures. Old master paintings 

Carl Steffeck
04.04.1818 - 11.07.1890
Carl Constantin Heinrich Steffeck was a German painter of the second half of the nineteenth century. He is known as a painter, graphic artist, animalist and portraitist.
Carl Steffeck was particularly famous for his depictions of horses and dogs. He studied art in Berlin, Paris and Italy. Returning to Germany, the artist painted scenes of hunting and animals, sometimes turning to the historical genre. His large historical canvas "Albrecht Achilles in the struggle with Nuremberg for the standard" in 1864 acquired the National Gallery of Berlin. From the 1850s, Steffeck began teaching, earned the title of professor at the Berlin Academy of Arts and became rector of the Königsberg Academy of Arts in 1880.

Hargesheimer Kunstauktionen Düsseldorf
Auction 100-III. Sculptures. Old master paintings
Date: 14.03.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 984