
Gregor von Bochmann was a Baltic-German landscape and genre painter.

Hermann Ottomar Herzog was a German-born American landscape painter. He represented the Dusseldorf School of painting and was a member of the Hudson River School. He quickly achieved commercial success and began to earn good money, which allowed him to travel a great deal.
Herman Herzog settled in the United States at the end of the 1860s. He devoted a considerable part of his work to his journey through the western states to California in 1873. He also frequently visited and worked in Maine and Florida.

Jacob Esselens was a Dutch landscape painter and draughtsman of the Golden Age of Dutch painting.
Esselens was a cloth merchant and traveled to Germany, France, Italy, England, and Scotland. During these trips he made many depictions of landscapes and cityscapes, some of which were included in Van der Heem's Atlas.
The influence of Rembrandt and Simon de Vlieger can be traced in the works of the self-taught artist Esselens. In addition to many topographically accurate landscapes and urban landscapes, the artist created fantasy landscapes in which he emphasized animal and human figures.

Adrien Louis Demont is a French landscape painter.
Adrien began painting quite late, making acquaintances in artistic circles. In 1880 he married the daughter of the artist Jules Breton, who became a famous artist under the name Virginie Demont-Breton (1859-1935). Together they built a villa in the village of Vissant on the Côte d'Opal and became members of a famous colony. A circle of young artists soon formed around the couple.
Adrien Demont's works are preserved in small museums throughout the region, as well as in the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Lille.