518 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 27 Hugo Lederer (1871 Znaim, Tschechien - 1940 Berlin)
Hugo Lederer (1871 - 1940)
Alte Kunst | Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst 

Hugo Lederer
16.11.1871 - 01.08.1940
Hugo Lederer was a German sculptor and medallist. He lived and worked in Berlin during the reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the first German democracy. His most famous work is the monumental monument to Bismarck in Hamburg (1902-1906).
Hugo Lederer always stood on the side of upper-class modernism and opposed the anti-bourgeois left-wing or popular art scene. Initially he was still following Reinhold Begas and his neo-Baroque style, the Gründerzeit art movement favoured by Kaiser Wilhelm II and despised by many intellectuals of the time.

WETTMANN | Auktionshaus an der Ruhr
Alte Kunst | Moderne & Zeitgenössische Kunst
Date: 02.12.2023 13:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 121
Lot 3093 Hoffmann, Josef Brtnice/Tschechien 1870 - 1956 Wien, war ein bedeutender Architekt und Designer
A80-3: Kunst | Antiquitäten & Moderne Kunst | Design 

Yves Siebers Auktionen GmbH
A80-3: Kunst | Antiquitäten & Moderne Kunst | Design
Date: 25.03.2022 11:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 1051