35202 Items by auctions and galleries:
Lot 131 Accusing Rosalind Franklin of “sabotage” whilst acknowledging her “very useful contributions”
Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins (1916 - 2004)
Printed and Manuscript Americana & Science 

Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins
15.12.1916 - 05.10.2004

Printed and Manuscript Americana & Science
Date: 27.01.2023 10:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 214
Lot 173 Using his influence to recommend a loan from the Bank of the United States
James Monroe (1758 - 1831)
Printed and Manuscript Americana & Science 

James Monroe
28.04.1758 - 04.07.1831

Printed and Manuscript Americana & Science
Date: 27.01.2023 10:00 UTC +00:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 214
Lot 4220 Taschenuhr: schwere englische Gold/Emaille-Doppelgehäuse Taschenuhr von herausragender Qualität und originalem Wechselgehäuse, extrem frühe Zylinderhemmung sowie Achtelstunden-Repetition, William Threlkeld, London, No. 626. Londoner Hallmark 1733
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
171st auction: high-quality pocket and wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.09.2019 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 249
Lot 4037 Taschenuhr: Augsburger Doppelgehäuse Repoussé-Spindeluhr mit einem Reliefgehäuse in Ausnahmequalität und Schlagwerk, Salomon Sack Augspurg, ca.1735
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.03.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 282
Lot 4250 Taschenuhr: schwere englische Gold/Emaille Doppelgehäuse-Taschenuhr von herausragender Qualität und mit originalem Wechselgehäuse, extrem frühe Zylinderhemmung sowie Achtelstunden-Repetition, William Threlkeld, London, No. 626. Londoner Hallmark 1733
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Auction 184: High quality pocket & wristwatches, fine collector's watches
Date: 14.03.2020 16:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 282
Lot 33 Hemingway, Ernest | Typed letter signed to Marcelline, forbidding her the use of Windermere
Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899 - 1961)
Important Modern Literature from the Library of an American Filmmaker 

Ernest Miller Hemingway
21.07.1899 - 02.07.1961

Important Modern Literature from the Library of an American Filmmaker
Date: 08.12.2023 12:00 UTC -04:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 87
Lot 4124 Taschenuhr: sehr feine Genfer Doppelgehäuse-Gold/Emaille-Spindeluhr mit Steinbesatz, bedeutender Uhrmacher Isaac Soret & Fils, um 1760, ehemaliger Adelsbesitz
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 09.09.2017 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 292
Lot 4125 Taschenuhr: goldene Doppelgehäuse-Repoussé-Spindeluhr mit Stunden-Repetition, Charles Cabrier London, um 1760
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches. Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 09.09.2017 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 292
Lot 4012 Taschenuhr: sehr seltene Taschenuhr mit 8-Tage-Werk und Sondergehäuse mit massivem Gold-Wappen, Agassis um 1920
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4048 Taschenuhr: kleine englische Karossenuhr mit 3-fach-Gehäuse, vermutlich um 1800
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4112 Taschenuhr: museale, deutsche Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit Repoussé-Gehäuse, Michael Brosy Friedberg, um 1700
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4115 Taschenuhr: prächtige, frühe Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit Achtelrepetition, Charles Cabrier London, um 1740, bedeutender Londoner Uhrmacher
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4118 Taschenuhr: prächtige englische Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit Repetition und Chatelaine, Francis GreGelbgold London No. 6226, London 1691-1747
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4185 Taschenuhr: schwere Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit Reliefgehäuse und Datum, Paulus Bra(e)mer Amsterdam, um 1720
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4258 Taschenuhr: bedeutende, feine Doppelgehäuse-Spindeltaschenuhr mit Viertelstundenselbstschlag "Grande Sonnerie" , Daniel de St. Leu, Watchmaker to Her Majesty, London 1794
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High Quality Wrist Watches And Pocket Watches, Fine Collector's Watch
Date: 11.11.2017 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 267
Lot 4053 Taschenuhr: außergewöhnliche, große englische Doppelgehäuse-Repoussé-Spindeluhr mit Emaille-Malerei und Datum, John Wilter London, ca.1760
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 17.03.2018 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 4121 Taschenuhr: goldene Doppelgehäuse-Repoussé-Spindeluhr mit Stunden-Repetition, Charles Cabrier London, um 1760
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 17.03.2018 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 4168 Taschenuhr: schwere Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit Reliefgehäuse und Datum, Paulus Bra(e)mer Amsterdam, um 1720
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 17.03.2018 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 4170 Taschenuhr: prächtige, museale Doppelgehäuse-Repoussé-Spindeluhr von herausragender Qualität, 1/8 Repetition, Charles Cabrier London, um 1730
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 17.03.2018 17:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 271
Lot 4095 Taschenuhr: englische Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit seltener Emaille-Plakette, erotisches Motiv, vermutlich Mussard-Schule, signiert Samson London, Hallmarks 1752
Special Auction "Clocks" 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
Special Auction "Clocks"
Date: 05.05.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 248
Lot 4044 Taschenuhr: frühe englische Repoussé Doppelgehäuse-Spindeluhr mit außergewöhnlicher Gehäusedekoration, Martineau London No.942, ca.1720
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 15.09.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 275
Lot 4117 Taschenuhr: bedeutende, große englische Doppelgehäuse-Taschenuhr mit Repetition, James Tregent London, königlicher Uhrmacher d. Prince of Wales 1781-1808
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches 

Karl-Heinz Cortrie GmbH
High-quality handbags and watches, exquisite collectible watches
Date: 15.09.2018 18:30 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 275