104 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
contemp. sculptures
Los 3 Jeff Koons. Cracked Egg (Red)
Jeff Koons (1955)
A1240: New Young – Emerging. Contemporary Art
Jeff Koons
Vereinigten Staaten
Jeff Koons ist ein US-amerikanischer Künstler.
Koons verwendet Zeugnisse der Konsumkultur als Ausgangspunkte und verfremdet oder imitiert sie. Er bearbeitete so auch Objekte aus der Alltagskunst und der Werbung, greift wie letztere immer wieder auf sexuelle und andere Schlüsselreize zurück. Seine Kunstwerke wandeln aufgrund ihrer ironisierenden Wirkung zwischen Kitsch und Kunst.
Im Mai 2019 wurde im Auktionshaus Christie’s Koons’ Skulptur Rabbit für 91 Millionen US-Dollar versteigert. Sie gilt als das teuerste Werk eines noch lebenden Künstlers.
VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A1240: New Young – Emerging. Contemporary Art
Datum: 02.12.2024 18:00 UTC +01:00
Anzahl der Lose im Katalog: 104
Andrey Dupont (geb. 1968)
Shop Dupont Andrey
Andrey Dupont
Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. С детства имею особое пристрастие к созданию предметов интерьера и формированию идеи и атмосферы жилого пространства.
Занимаюсь творчеством более 20 лет. Способности к изобразительному и прикладному искусству раскрылись в процессе многолетних эзотерических практик на пути саморазвития (практикую и преподаю Восточное боевое искусство 35лет). Создаю лепные интерьерные скульптуры из цемента с лакокрасочным покрытием; пишу концептуальные, символичные картины; снимаю свое кино, являясь актером, сценаристом и режиссером в одном лице; пишу стихи, рассказы и мотивирующие статьи. Мои фильмы, скетчи, ритуалы и ролики можно посмотреть на канале "Раскрытие личностного потенциала через у-шу". https://bit.ly/2Cd
Считаю творчество эффективным методом формирования окружающей реальности, замечательным способом развития личностных свойств, и прекрасным инструментом для выхода из сложных психологически жизненных ситуаций (всегда рекомендую своим ученикам и последователям).
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since my childhood, I have a particular fondness for creating interior items and shaping the idea and atmosphere of the living space. I have been doing creative work for over 20 years. My abilities for fine and applied arts were revealed in the process of esoteric practices on the path of self-development which is considered by me as a meaning of my whole life for many years. I create interior sculptures stuccoing them from cement with paintwork; I paint conceptual, symbolic pictures; I shoot my own movie, being an actor, screenwriter and director for every one of them; I write poems, stories and motivating articles. My films, sketches, rituals and videos can be viewed on the channel "Revealing personal potential through wushu". I consider creativity to be an effective method of shaping tthe surrounding reality, a wonderful way to develop personal properties, and an excellent tool for getting out of psychologically difficult life situations.
Dupont Andrey
Anzahl der Produkte: 25
Dream 4
Daniel Wille (geb. 1987)
Shop Wille Daniel
Daniel Wille
In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it, but more through associative, subconscious or intuitive.
Using various objects, fabrics, textures, you can create something you can touch to change, something that is exposed to the environment, natural and aging. And that can revive the canvas.
It was always paradoxical for me to feel impressionism more alive comparing to classical realism, I found the key to this answer in Alla prima techniques emotions and admiration are instantly imprinted on the canvas.
Therefore, I try to create work as quick as possible so as not to move out to another environment. To create a good picture you have to live it, survive it.
Even if the picture is not completed, then it will provide an opportunity viewer's imagination.
Everything you can imagine is real.- Picasso.
At recent moment I am working on a new direction "Anrealism".
Born in Samara, Russian Federation.
Studied interior design and architecture , joined the global art League 2014.
Was exhibiting works in Russia, USA, Israel.
2015 Relocated to Israel, joined the community of artists there.
In 2018 married and relocated to Austria where recently living.
Since childhood, I was surrounded by bunch of books about history of Italian art and architecture, and also most often visited this country with parents who were dealing with fashion boutiques. Grandmother was teacher of piano and singing , given private lessons. So house was fulfilled with atmosphere which motivated me to start creating from age of 3.
Wille Daniel
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Analyse that
Daniel Wille (geb. 1987)
Shop Wille Daniel
Daniel Wille
In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it, but more through associative, subconscious or intuitive.
Using various objects, fabrics, textures, you can create something you can touch to change, something that is exposed to the environment, natural and aging. And that can revive the canvas.
It was always paradoxical for me to feel impressionism more alive comparing to classical realism, I found the key to this answer in Alla prima techniques emotions and admiration are instantly imprinted on the canvas.
Therefore, I try to create work as quick as possible so as not to move out to another environment. To create a good picture you have to live it, survive it.
Even if the picture is not completed, then it will provide an opportunity viewer's imagination.
Everything you can imagine is real.- Picasso.
At recent moment I am working on a new direction "Anrealism".
Born in Samara, Russian Federation.
Studied interior design and architecture , joined the global art League 2014.
Was exhibiting works in Russia, USA, Israel.
2015 Relocated to Israel, joined the community of artists there.
In 2018 married and relocated to Austria where recently living.
Since childhood, I was surrounded by bunch of books about history of Italian art and architecture, and also most often visited this country with parents who were dealing with fashion boutiques. Grandmother was teacher of piano and singing , given private lessons. So house was fulfilled with atmosphere which motivated me to start creating from age of 3.
Wille Daniel
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Holding yesterday
Daniel Wille (geb. 1987)
Shop Wille Daniel
Daniel Wille
In art I always was seeking for the opportunity to make the viewer feel the picture as something alive, to feel the presence. But not only with the help of classical techniques, or not only with the help of it, but more through associative, subconscious or intuitive.
Using various objects, fabrics, textures, you can create something you can touch to change, something that is exposed to the environment, natural and aging. And that can revive the canvas.
It was always paradoxical for me to feel impressionism more alive comparing to classical realism, I found the key to this answer in Alla prima techniques emotions and admiration are instantly imprinted on the canvas.
Therefore, I try to create work as quick as possible so as not to move out to another environment. To create a good picture you have to live it, survive it.
Even if the picture is not completed, then it will provide an opportunity viewer's imagination.
Everything you can imagine is real.- Picasso.
At recent moment I am working on a new direction "Anrealism".
Born in Samara, Russian Federation.
Studied interior design and architecture , joined the global art League 2014.
Was exhibiting works in Russia, USA, Israel.
2015 Relocated to Israel, joined the community of artists there.
In 2018 married and relocated to Austria where recently living.
Since childhood, I was surrounded by bunch of books about history of Italian art and architecture, and also most often visited this country with parents who were dealing with fashion boutiques. Grandmother was teacher of piano and singing , given private lessons. So house was fulfilled with atmosphere which motivated me to start creating from age of 3.
Wille Daniel
Anzahl der Produkte: 21
Vague memories - Смутные воспоминания
Rashid Bakirov (geb. 1959)
Shop Bakirov Rashid
Rashid Bakirov
Скульптор, дизайнер и технолог изготовления стеклянной скульптуры путём выдувания в форму. Автор технологии изготовления керамических графитовых форм для горячего формования стекла.
Bakirov Rashid
Anzahl der Produkte: 13