Триптих Set of 3 pcs. Board Collage Contemporary art Slovakia 2022

Condition: | Available | Slovakia, levice
€ 500
Bank Transfer
Iv Ro
Iv Ro. Триптих

Information about the artist

Thanks to everyone who appreciated my work!
I prefer do this without loud public galleries. I mainly use my art for personal pleasure and for charity if I have to help my relatives or friends. I am not rich, like many artists because I spend a lot of money for my pleasure like oil colors or brushes and organization free master classes for kids. When I start working with my new art often I see it continuation in my dreams when I sleep. If a work for ordered for someone a certain colors scheme for this person comes to me in a dream. In this way, I receive plots and colors schemes that are necessary for this person individual.
Long time ago my works were signed from the back side (Иза) and I want to congratulate you if a happy owner of my oldest work! I don't like to spoil the picture with by my signature on front side but if you wat i can do it for you.
At the moment, my business is web design, restoration, decorator I create by myself an interior from decorative plasters, stones, liquid wallpaper, I like to create a voluminous collage, oil painting, water colors painting I like to create new exclusive things from old items. Why do I work out for free with kids? To learn new things! Together with kids we also learn a lot of new. I also want to share my skills with others.
My slogan, the main important thing is that my water colors are with me! I like to travel around different countries in search of myself and I think I have already found what I was looking for and stopped. In the right place, everything began to play differently and in different colors, and now it remains only to create, draw, learn, share experience. That's why I'm here where I should be. A country called DREAMING LAND gave me a new life and only here I began to draw well and find peace of mind and do my new arts.

Other works by the artist

Set of 3 pcs., брошь, Collage, Contemporary art, милые животные, Slovakia, 2022
Set of 3 pcs., брошь, Collage, Contemporary art, милые животные, Slovakia, 2022
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Board, Collage, современная работа, милые животные, Slovakia, 2022
Board, Collage, современная работа, милые животные, Slovakia, 2022
€ 150
Акварель на бумаге, Appliqué, современная работа, современный стиль, Slovakia, 2022
Акварель на бумаге, Appliqué, современная работа, современный стиль, Slovakia, 2022
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Пейзаж на озере
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Нежная роза
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Кошка в красной шляпе и очках
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Кот умник с зелёными глазами
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