Созданная буря из чувств и экспрессии - вихрь из красных, желтых и зеленых цветов, является квинтэссенцией человеческого состояния. Буря эмоций, которая бушует внутри, но никому внешне невидима. Это и есть «Вихрь».
Created in a burst of feelings and expression, a vortex of red, yellow and green colors create the quintessence of the human condition. A storm of emotions that rages inside, but outwardly invisible to anyone. This is “The Vortex”
Created in a burst of feelings and expression, a vortex of red, yellow and green colors create the quintessence of the human condition. A storm of emotions that rages inside, but outwardly invisible to anyone. This is “The Vortex”
ID: | 31952 |
Artist: | Maxim Zinov'ev (b. 1997) |
Originality: | Original |
Condition: | new |
Year of manufacture: | 2020 |
Applied technique: | Oil paint |
Medium: | Canvas on the subframe |
Size: | 40 x 1.5 x 50 cm |
Framing: | Unframed |
Art style: | Abstract Expressionism, Modern art |
Genre: | Mythological painting |
Category: | Paintings |
Keywords: | Abstract, Interiors, Pattern |
Information about the artist
Мое творчество - это соединение разных видов искуссств. Я - Максим Зиновьев являюсь художником, композитором и поэтом. И когда начинаю писать, то зачастую включаю музыку и начинаю процесс. Многое зависит от внутреннего состояния. Недавно я был в состоянии экзистенциального кризиса, эпизод тяжелей депрессии, и включив музыку написал "Философское дерево", которое мне самому очень нравится. Синтез восприятия одного искусства приводит меня к созданию другого искусства.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.
My work is a combination of different types of arts. I, Maxim Zinoviev, am an artist, composer and poet. And when I start writing, I often turn on the music and start the process. Much depends on the inner state. Recently I was in a state of existential crisis, an episode harder than depression, and having included the music I wrote "The Philosophical Tree", which I myself really like. The synthesis of the perception of one leads me to the creation of another art.

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- Click the button "Contact the artist" on the artwork page.
- Transmit Your proposed item price and Your delivery address, so the artist can determine the delivery price.
- The artist makes an individual price proposal, including the delivery price.
- Agree to the proposal and order the item.