Кулон Semi-precious stones Mixed media Modern art 2019

Condition: | Available | Moldova, Chisinau
€ 300
Natalia Vavilina
Natalia Vavilina. Кулон
Авторский кулон из серебра с океанической яшмой.
Silver designer pendant with ocean jasper.

Information about the artist

Natalia Vavilina
Architect, designer, artist
date of birth 03/04/1967
mob.Tel. + 373 68982998
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]

Member of the Union of Artists of Moldova
2001-2008. Head of department "interior design" Arts Faculty. Senior lecturer. Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of the Republic of Moldova.
2006 - present Lecturer at the Department superio "interior design" Arts Faculty. Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts of the Republic of Moldova

Other works by the artist

Author's shawl. Авторский платок
Author's shawl. Авторский платок
€ 70
Author's shawl.
Author's shawl.
€ 70
Шаль. Shawl
Шаль. Shawl
€ 70
Price оn Application

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