Suprematist Expansion Canvas on cardboard Acrylic Contemporary art современная скульптура Russia 2018

Condition: | Available | Russia, Omsk
€ 50 000
Serge Lilac
Serge Lilac. Suprematist Expansion
In culture there are three positions: religious, civil and, directly, art. From this position, a look into nothingness, pointlessness, and here begins creative work on the definition of the "universe" (c) "Christians defeated the Gentiles" in 1924 K. Malevich Modern art is reminiscent of medieval dances on the bones of ancestors Contemporary artists today take positions that are not inferior in their media significance to the stars of cinema, television and the Internet. Being an artist in 2018 is not just profitable. In addition to regalia, fame and money, praise is attached. Very underrated and from this at times a more significant factor of success. Gallery owners and industry experts took on the role of fairy godmothers, creating new Jesus at the conveyor speed. After all, the same Malevich and Duchamp hung their curtain along the line of "art", leaving the others in shadow and silence. Cut off competitors, make sure that there are followers and "infect" art critics and connoisseurs with an infection of their own importance.

Information about the artist

I explore the themes of human personalization and depersonalization, the influence of external factors on the personality of a person, the parallels between character traits and the techniques of fine art in my works. The past and the present, life and death, religion and science, rhythm and rest. Finding the points of contact with inspiration in unexpected and the most secret corners of my consciousness, I want to show the world my own personality and attitude through creativity.

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