Adolf Helmberger (1885 - 1967)

Adolf Helmberger (1885 - 1967) - photo 1

Adolf Helmberger

Date and place of birt:8 june 1885, Sankt Gilgen, Austria
Date and place of death:12 august 1967, Sankt Gilgen, Austria
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Batalist, Painter
Art school / group:German & Austrian School
Genre:Military art, Mountain landscape, Landscape painting, Portrait, Still life
Art style:Impressionism, Post War Art, Realism

Creators Impressionism

Cesare Vianello (1862 - 1953)
Cesare Vianello
1862 - 1953
Michele Cascella (1892 - 1989)
Michele Cascella
1892 - 1989
Gustave Den Duyts (1850 - 1897)
Gustave Den Duyts
1850 - 1897
David Murray (1849 - 1933)
David Murray
1849 - 1933
Barbara Heinisch (1944)
Barbara Heinisch
Max Uhlig (1937)
Max Uhlig
Günter Huniat (1939)
Günter Huniat
Abbott Fuller Graves (1859 - 1936)
Abbott Fuller Graves
1859 - 1936
Konstantin Dmitriyevich Flavitsky (1830 - 1866)
Konstantin Dmitriyevich Flavitsky
1830 - 1866
Emil Pottner (1872 - 1942)
Emil Pottner
1872 - 1942
Martin Verstappen (1773 - 1852)
Martin Verstappen
1773 - 1852
Sergey Vasilyevich Volkov (1956)
Sergey Vasilyevich Volkov
Viggo Lauritz Helsted (1861 - 1926)
Viggo Lauritz Helsted
1861 - 1926
Marguérite Verboeckhoven (1865 - 1949)
Marguérite Verboeckhoven
1865 - 1949
Otto Julius Goebel (1865 - 1903)
Otto Julius Goebel
1865 - 1903
Liudmila Nikiforovna Pavlova-Koshman (1925 - 2015)
Liudmila Nikiforovna Pavlova-Koshman
1925 - 2015