Andrea Camassei (1602 - 1649)

Andrea Camassei (1602 - 1649) - photo 1

Andrea Camassei

Date and place of birt:November 1602, Bevagna, Italy
Date and place of death:18 august 1649, Rome, Italy
Period of activity: XVII century
Specialization:Artist, Engraver, Painter
Art school / group:Italian school
Genre:History painting, Mythological painting, Religious genre
Art style:Baroque

Creators Baroque

Gregorio Preti (1603 - 1672)
Gregorio Preti
1603 - 1672
Nicolaes van Verendael (1640 - 1691)
Nicolaes van Verendael
1640 - 1691
Francesco Fernandi (1679 - 1740)
Francesco Fernandi
1679 - 1740
Lambert-Sigisbert Adam (1700 - 1759)
Lambert-Sigisbert Adam
1700 - 1759
Nicolas Robert (1614 - 1685)
Nicolas Robert
1614 - 1685
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky (1810 - 1885)
Ivan Fomich Khrutsky
1810 - 1885
Francisco de Zurbarán (1598 - 1664)
Francisco de Zurbarán
1598 - 1664
Sebastian Stoskopf (1597 - 1657)
Sebastian Stoskopf
1597 - 1657
Martin Hermann Faber (1587 - 1648)
Martin Hermann Faber
1587 - 1648
Jacopo Dal Ponte (1510 - 1592)
Jacopo Dal Ponte
1510 - 1592
Adriaen van Nieulandt (1587 - 1658)
Adriaen van Nieulandt
1587 - 1658
Jan van Kessel II (1654 - 1708)
Jan van Kessel II
1654 - 1708
Pietro Tacca (1577 - 1640)
Pietro Tacca
1577 - 1640
Richard Gibson (1615 - 1690)
Richard Gibson
1615 - 1690
Carstian Luyckx (1623 - 1670)
Carstian Luyckx
1623 - 1670
Simon Vouet (1590 - 1649)
Simon Vouet
1590 - 1649