Giovanni Grubacs (1829 - 1919)

Giovanni Grubacs (1829 - 1919) - photo 1

Giovanni Grubacs

Giovanni Grubacs was a nineteenth-century Italian landscape painter.

The painter almost always exhibited paintings of Venetian landscapes, but while early in his career he strictly followed eighteenth-century prototypes, in later decades his style fell under the influence of Ippolito Caffi's deep naturalism, which gave life and expression to his works filled with more realistic figure groups, dramatic long views of the city bathed in iridescent atmosphere and illuminated by sudden flashes of light that create unique lighting effects.

Date and place of birt:1829, Venice, Italy
Date and place of death:1919, Pula, Italy
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Genre:Cityscape, Landscape painting, Veduta
Art style:Realism

Creators Italy

Paolo Toschi (1788 - 1854)
Paolo Toschi
1788 - 1854
Abbondio Sangiorgio (1798 - 1879)
Abbondio Sangiorgio
1798 - 1879
Ernesto Lamagna (1945)
Ernesto Lamagna
Maria Lai (1919 - 2013)
Maria Lai
1919 - 2013
Vincenzo Di Antonio Frediani (1481 - 1505)
Vincenzo Di Antonio Frediani
1481 - 1505
Guillaume Courtois (1628 - 1679)
Guillaume Courtois
1628 - 1679
Andrea Meldolla (1510 - 1563)
Andrea Meldolla
1510 - 1563
Nicola Peccheneda (1725 - 1804)
Nicola Peccheneda
1725 - 1804
Jean-Jacques Henner (1829 - 1905)
Jean-Jacques Henner
1829 - 1905
Alfredo Tominz (1854 - 1936)
Alfredo Tominz
1854 - 1936
Giovanni Carnovalli (1804 - 1874)
Giovanni Carnovalli
1804 - 1874
Valentino Vago (1931 - 2018)
Valentino Vago
1931 - 2018
Edmund Ludwig Eduard Wodick (1816 - 1886)
Edmund Ludwig Eduard Wodick
1816 - 1886
Alberto Pasini (1826 - 1899)
Alberto Pasini
1826 - 1899
Gae Aulenti (1927 - 2012)
Gae Aulenti
1927 - 2012
Cosimo Ulivelli (1625 - 1704)
Cosimo Ulivelli
1625 - 1704

Creators Realism

Sven Richard Bergh (1858 - 1919)
Sven Richard Bergh
1858 - 1919
Heinrich Georg Brandes (1803 - 1868)
Heinrich Georg Brandes
1803 - 1868
Michel Marie Charles Verlat (1824 - 1890)
Michel Marie Charles Verlat
1824 - 1890
Georges Maroniez (1865 - 1933)
Georges Maroniez
1865 - 1933
Ippolit Lipinsky (1846 - 1884)
Ippolit Lipinsky
1846 - 1884
Christian Georg Speyer (1855 - 1929)
Christian Georg Speyer
1855 - 1929
August Friedrich Rauscher (1754 - 1808)
August Friedrich Rauscher
1754 - 1808
Edmund Harburger (1846 - 1906)
Edmund Harburger
1846 - 1906
Wäinö Waldemar Aaltonen (1894 - 1966)
Wäinö Waldemar Aaltonen
1894 - 1966
Wolfgang Mattheuer (1927 - 2004)
Wolfgang Mattheuer
1927 - 2004
Vincenzo Rustici (1556 - 1632)
Vincenzo Rustici
1556 - 1632
Martha Darley Mutrie (1824 - 1885)
Martha Darley Mutrie
1824 - 1885
Oldra Vlach (1886 - 1958)
Oldra Vlach
1886 - 1958
Alexander Alexandrovich Sakharov (1856 - 1914)
Alexander Alexandrovich Sakharov
1856 - 1914
Archibald George Barnes (1887 - 1972)
Archibald George Barnes
1887 - 1972
Joseph Rummelspacher (1852 - 1921)
Joseph Rummelspacher
1852 - 1921