Ford Madox Brown (1821 - 1893)

Ford Madox Brown (1821 - 1893) - photo 1

Ford Madox Brown

Date and place of birt:16 april 1821, Calais, France
Date and place of death:6 october 1893, London, United Kingdom
Nationality:United Kingdom, France
Period of activity: XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Pre-Raphaelites
Genre:Genre art, Portrait
Art style:Romanticism
Ford Madox Brown - Auction archive

Auction archive Ford Madox Brown

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Creators United Kingdom

George Lambert (1700 - 1765)
George Lambert
1700 - 1765
Alan Davie (1920 - 2014)
Alan Davie
1920 - 2014
Colin Reid (1953)
Colin Reid
Sarah Morris (1967)
Sarah Morris
William Hogarth (1697 - 1764)
William Hogarth
1697 - 1764
Henry Moore (1898 - 1986)
Henry Moore
1898 - 1986
Robert Burns (1869 - 1941)
Robert Burns
1869 - 1941
George Morland (1763 - 1804)
George Morland
1763 - 1804
Jessica Dismorr (1885 - 1939)
Jessica Dismorr
1885 - 1939
Richard Burchett (1815 - 1875)
Richard Burchett
1815 - 1875
Herbert Sidney Percy (1863 - 1932)
Herbert Sidney Percy
1863 - 1932
James Northcote (1746 - 1831)
James Northcote
1746 - 1831
Jonathan Guaitamacchi (1961)
Jonathan Guaitamacchi
Andrew Lumisden (1720 - 1801)
Andrew Lumisden
1720 - 1801
Solomon Hougham (1746 - 1818)
Solomon Hougham
1746 - 1818
John Samuel Hunt (1785 - 1865)
John Samuel Hunt
1785 - 1865

Creators Romanticism

Anna Marie Ellenrieder (1791 - 1863)
Anna Marie Ellenrieder
1791 - 1863
Ivan Ivanovich Reimers (1818 - 1868)
Ivan Ivanovich Reimers
1818 - 1868
Philip Hermogenes Calderon (1833 - 1898)
Philip Hermogenes Calderon
1833 - 1898
Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848 - 1907)
Augustus Saint-Gaudens
1848 - 1907
Jean-Baptiste Roby (1821 - 1910)
Jean-Baptiste Roby
1821 - 1910
Rudolf Karl Gottfried Geißler (1834 - 1906)
Rudolf Karl Gottfried Geißler
1834 - 1906
Gustave Doré (1832 - 1883)
Gustave Doré
1832 - 1883
Friedrich August Brand (1735 - 1806)
Friedrich August Brand
1735 - 1806
Edwin Austin Abbey (1852 - 1911)
Edwin Austin Abbey
1852 - 1911
Fredrik Marinus Kruseman (1816 - 1882)
Fredrik Marinus Kruseman
1816 - 1882
Camille Roqueplan (1803 - 1855)
Camille Roqueplan
1803 - 1855
Gustav Adolf Gaupp (1844 - 1918)
Gustav Adolf Gaupp
1844 - 1918
Gilbert Stuart (1755 - 1828)
Gilbert Stuart
1755 - 1828
Joseph Holzer (1824 - 1876)
Joseph Holzer
1824 - 1876
Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale (1872 - 1945)
Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
1872 - 1945
Michał Kulesza (1799 - 1863)
Michał Kulesza
1799 - 1863