Jan Frans van Bloemen (1662 - 1749)

Jan Frans van Bloemen (1662 - 1749) - photo 1

Jan Frans van Bloemen

Jan Frans van Bloemen was a Flemish landscape painter mainly active in Rome. Here he was able to establish himself as the leading painter of views (vedute) of the Roman countryside depicted in the aesthetic of the classical landscape tradition.


Date and place of birt:12 may 1662, Antwerp, Belgium
Date and place of death:13 june 1749, Rome, Italy
Nationality:Belgium, Italy
Period of activity: XVII, XVIII century
Specialization:Artist, Landscape painter, Painter
Genre:Landscape painting
Art style:Baroque

Creators Belgium

Martin Léonce Chabry (1832 - 1883)
Martin Léonce Chabry
1832 - 1883
Félicien Rops (1833 - 1898)
Félicien Rops
1833 - 1898
Joris van Son (1623 - 1667)
Joris van Son
1623 - 1667
Gerard Bouttats (1630 - 1668)
Gerard Bouttats
1630 - 1668
Laurent Delvaux (1696 - 1778)
Laurent Delvaux
1696 - 1778
Paul Jean Clays (1819 - 1900)
Paul Jean Clays
1819 - 1900
Pieter Oyens (1842 - 1894)
Pieter Oyens
1842 - 1894
Marie Collart-Henrotin (1842 - 1911)
Marie Collart-Henrotin
1842 - 1911
Pierre Alechinsky (1927)
Pierre Alechinsky
Artus Wolffort (1581 - 1641)
Artus Wolffort
1581 - 1641
Émile Pierre Joseph de Cauwer (1827 - 1873)
Émile Pierre Joseph de Cauwer
1827 - 1873
Jacobus Melchior van Herck (1691 - 1735)
Jacobus Melchior van Herck
1691 - 1735
Marguérite Verboeckhoven (1865 - 1949)
Marguérite Verboeckhoven
1865 - 1949
Euphrosine Beernaert (1831 - 1901)
Euphrosine Beernaert
1831 - 1901
Joris Hoefnagel (1542 - 1601)
Joris Hoefnagel
1542 - 1601
Jan Portielje (1829 - 1908)
Jan Portielje
1829 - 1908

Creators Baroque

Johannes van der Bent (1650 - 1690)
Johannes van der Bent
1650 - 1690
Giovanni Francesco Muccio (1620 - 1665)
Giovanni Francesco Muccio
1620 - 1665
Peter Strudel (1660 - 1714)
Peter Strudel
1660 - 1714
Michiel van der Voort (1667 - 1737)
Michiel van der Voort
1667 - 1737
Jean Baptiste Vanmour (1671 - 1737)
Jean Baptiste Vanmour
1671 - 1737
Elisabetta Sirani (1638 - 1665)
Elisabetta Sirani
1638 - 1665
Ciro Adolfi (1683 - 1758)
Ciro Adolfi
1683 - 1758
Ferdinand van Kessel II (1648 - 1696)
Ferdinand van Kessel II
1648 - 1696
Bartholomäus Spranger (1546 - 1611)
Bartholomäus Spranger
1546 - 1611
Alessandro Turchi (1578 - 1649)
Alessandro Turchi
1578 - 1649
Karel Dujardin (1626 - 1678)
Karel Dujardin
1626 - 1678
Paolo Alboni (1671 - 1734)
Paolo Alboni
1671 - 1734
Giovanni Stanchi (1608 - 1675)
Giovanni Stanchi
1608 - 1675
Domenico Cucci (1635 - 1704)
Domenico Cucci
1635 - 1704
Giuseppe Vicenzino (1662 - 1700)
Giuseppe Vicenzino
1662 - 1700
Nicolas de Nicolay (1517 - 1583)
Nicolas de Nicolay
1517 - 1583