955 Items by auctions and galleries:
Pasture, Cow and child, Cow oil painting, Original oil, Oil animals
Nicholas Kaftan (b. 1978)
Shop Kaftan Nicholas![](/assets/image/logo_17996/7a21e/fix172172logo17996__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Nicholas Kaftan
"The basis of my work is love for life and art, desire to see the beauty of art in the infinite variety of colors and images. My favorite genres are portrait and animalism. I like to portrait animals. I admire their beauty, grace and energy . I try to show it all on my canvases. Overall, I love my profession. I want my pictures to give people only warm and positive feeling. "...
Artist shop
Kaftan Nicholas
Number of products: 2
Moscow holidays. Московские каникулы.
Aleksandr Starodubov (b. 1959)
Shop Starodubov Aleksandr![](/assets/image/logo_24502/6f3e8/fix172172logo24502__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aleksandr Starodubov
Alexander was fond of painting since childhood, showing exceptional ability and easily winning prizes in contests and competitions in the fine arts, but did not think that this hobby would become his profession and calling.
Born in 1959 in Moscow, the son of a diplomat and military career of the military has been predetermined for him since childhood. And it did. First, MAI (1977), followed by service as an officer in the Armed Forces, studied at the Academy of Missile Forces them. Peter the Great, a promotion. And when it seemed that only the stars in front and success, Alexander abruptly changes his destiny. He retires from the Army (1990) and chooses the path of the artist's formidable Montmartre of Moscow - Old Arbat free, from which later turned out many well-known talented artists.
Favourite genre of the artist - the urban landscape, the species leaving the old Moscow, sometimes with elements of fantasy, Bulgakov motives. His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad. Series of works acquired Bulgakov Museum in Toronto.
Looking at his paintings of Old Moscow, all the time trying to understand where decommissioned or that story. You see the familiar architectural objects, churches, houses, streets, and often can not understand where does this particular place ...
Only after careful consideration you realize that the whole of Moscow Starodubova, this is painfully familiar and similar to reality, in essence the imagination of the artist!
Perhaps it is true that a picture of A. Starodubova like to buy Moscow officials and MPs ... His works were exhibited in numerous exhibitions and many paintings have found their way into various collections both in Russia and abroad.
Russian Art Week 2011 (Spring) 1st and 3rd place in the prefecture. "Landscape". ArtPreview-2011-finalist winner.
Since 2011 member ТСХР (Creative Union of Russian Artists) and International Federation of Artists.
Artist shop
Starodubov Aleksandr
Number of products: 3
Moscow autumn. Московская осень.
Aleksandr Starodubov (b. 1959)
Shop Starodubov Aleksandr![](/assets/image/logo_24502/6f3e8/fix172172logo24502__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aleksandr Starodubov
Alexander was fond of painting since childhood, showing exceptional ability and easily winning prizes in contests and competitions in the fine arts, but did not think that this hobby would become his profession and calling.
Born in 1959 in Moscow, the son of a diplomat and military career of the military has been predetermined for him since childhood. And it did. First, MAI (1977), followed by service as an officer in the Armed Forces, studied at the Academy of Missile Forces them. Peter the Great, a promotion. And when it seemed that only the stars in front and success, Alexander abruptly changes his destiny. He retires from the Army (1990) and chooses the path of the artist's formidable Montmartre of Moscow - Old Arbat free, from which later turned out many well-known talented artists.
Favourite genre of the artist - the urban landscape, the species leaving the old Moscow, sometimes with elements of fantasy, Bulgakov motives. His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad. Series of works acquired Bulgakov Museum in Toronto.
Looking at his paintings of Old Moscow, all the time trying to understand where decommissioned or that story. You see the familiar architectural objects, churches, houses, streets, and often can not understand where does this particular place ...
Only after careful consideration you realize that the whole of Moscow Starodubova, this is painfully familiar and similar to reality, in essence the imagination of the artist!
Perhaps it is true that a picture of A. Starodubova like to buy Moscow officials and MPs ... His works were exhibited in numerous exhibitions and many paintings have found their way into various collections both in Russia and abroad.
Russian Art Week 2011 (Spring) 1st and 3rd place in the prefecture. "Landscape". ArtPreview-2011-finalist winner.
Since 2011 member ТСХР (Creative Union of Russian Artists) and International Federation of Artists.
Artist shop
Starodubov Aleksandr
Number of products: 3
Moscow winter. Московская зима.
Aleksandr Starodubov (b. 1959)
Shop Starodubov Aleksandr![](/assets/image/logo_24502/6f3e8/fix172172logo24502__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aleksandr Starodubov
Alexander was fond of painting since childhood, showing exceptional ability and easily winning prizes in contests and competitions in the fine arts, but did not think that this hobby would become his profession and calling.
Born in 1959 in Moscow, the son of a diplomat and military career of the military has been predetermined for him since childhood. And it did. First, MAI (1977), followed by service as an officer in the Armed Forces, studied at the Academy of Missile Forces them. Peter the Great, a promotion. And when it seemed that only the stars in front and success, Alexander abruptly changes his destiny. He retires from the Army (1990) and chooses the path of the artist's formidable Montmartre of Moscow - Old Arbat free, from which later turned out many well-known talented artists.
Favourite genre of the artist - the urban landscape, the species leaving the old Moscow, sometimes with elements of fantasy, Bulgakov motives. His works are in private collections in Russia and abroad. Series of works acquired Bulgakov Museum in Toronto.
Looking at his paintings of Old Moscow, all the time trying to understand where decommissioned or that story. You see the familiar architectural objects, churches, houses, streets, and often can not understand where does this particular place ...
Only after careful consideration you realize that the whole of Moscow Starodubova, this is painfully familiar and similar to reality, in essence the imagination of the artist!
Perhaps it is true that a picture of A. Starodubova like to buy Moscow officials and MPs ... His works were exhibited in numerous exhibitions and many paintings have found their way into various collections both in Russia and abroad.
Russian Art Week 2011 (Spring) 1st and 3rd place in the prefecture. "Landscape". ArtPreview-2011-finalist winner.
Since 2011 member ТСХР (Creative Union of Russian Artists) and International Federation of Artists.
Artist shop
Starodubov Aleksandr
Number of products: 3
Арбат.Москва. (Arbat.Moscow.)
Emin Askerov (b. 2005)
Shop Askerov Emin![](/assets/image/logo_26472/88754/fix172172logo26472__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Emin Askerov
Я люблю искусство . Я не только его изучаю ,но и создаю. Работаю в основном в традиционном стиле. Любимый жанр - живопись ,а поджанр натюрморт.Также мне нравится рисовать пейзажи.Могу делать картины на заказ.
Artist shop
Askerov Emin
Number of products: 2
Wandbild Cowboy
Daniel Heinz (b. 2001)
Shop Heinz Daniel![](/assets/image/logo_36790/48f4e/fix172172logo36790__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Daniel Heinz
Geboren 2001, Leipzig
Ausgebildet als Glas und Porzellanmaler in der Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck in Kaufbeuren
Selbstständig seit 2019
Deutschlandweit über 287 Werke verkauft. Teilweise auch in Italien (Venedig), Österreich, Schweiz, Russland (Moskau)
Artist shop
Heinz Daniel
Number of products: 12
Moscowcity girl
Mila Zakatova (b. 1986)
Shop Zakatova Mila![](/assets/image/logo_12732/3d8e8/fix172172logo12732__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Mila Zakatova
Я — московский художник-скульптор, член Международного Художественного Фонда, Творческого Союза Профессиональных Художников и Профессионального Союза Художников.
С пяти лет я мечтала стать именно скульптором, и вот уже более пятнадати лет после окончания художественной школы и ВУЗа я воплощаю свою мечту в жизнь.
Реализм, сюрреализм в бронзе, фарфоре, шоколаде.
Мои работы разлетелись по миру: Нью-Йорк, Хельсинки, Дублин, Киев, Санкт-Петербург, Москва, Париж…
Скульптуры мои можно видеть на выставках под эгидой Московского Союза Художников и Международного Художественного Фонда в Манеже, Гостином Дворе, выставочных залах союза художников на Кузнецком мосту и Беговой, галереях Москвы , в каталогах фестиваля искусств «Москва-город мира» и молодежных выставок.
Artist shop
Zakatova Mila
Number of products: 9
moscow vs. russia
Alexey Krylov (b. 1974)
Shop Krylov Alexey![](/assets/image/logo_15948/1cbe2/fix172172logo15948__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Alexey Krylov
Существую с безначальных времён, но последнее рождение принял в 1974-ом году, в день, когда с Земли было отправлено радио-послание жителям иных планетных миров. В тексте послания закодированы внешний облик человека и сведения об эволюции жизни на Земле. Таким образом, являюсь ответным хромосомным посланием от представителей 5-и параллельных сфер существования.
Закончил художественное училище, худ. школу, потом во ВГИК.
Первый мой комикс о защите кроликов опубликовал журнал ОМ.
Снял несколько клипов для регги-панк-рок группы Чернусь.
Трудился режиссёром монтажа на разных передачах
по моим сценариям снято 3 мультфильма для антинаркотического проекта "Ре-анимация", 1 я снял как режиссёр:
также писал сценарии для рекламных роликов и клипов:
Artist shop
Krylov Alexey
Number of products: 6
Большие картины в интерьер
Denis Veles (b. 1984)
Shop Veles Denis![](/assets/image/logo_39166/f3ce2/fix172172logo39166__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Denis Veles
Велес Денис Сварожич – российский художник-график, родился и проживает в Москве. Из дворянского польского рода Лис-Олтаржевских. Внук заслуженного художника РСФСР.
В 2008 году окончил МГХПУ им. Строганова Кафедры «Искусства графики». Имеет медаль «За заслуги в культуре и искусстве». Художник московского союза художников. Резидент галереи «The Se7en Arts» Валенсия (Испания).
Одну из его картин «Крымский мост», станковая графика, можно увидеть в информационных изданиях об академии на английском языке «МГХПА 2021 проспект» и к 190 лет МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова.
С 2004 года Денис Велес участвует в благотворительных выставках и фестивалях в Москве.
Paintings by Denis Veles Russian artist graphics.Graphics. Watercolour. Moscow Union of Artists. Masterpiece. Gallery. Collection.
Lukisan oleh Denis Veles seniman Rusia grafis.Grafis. Cat air. Persatuan Seniman Moskow. Mahakarya. Galeri. Koleksi.
Pinturas de Denis Veles artista ruso graphics.Graphics. Acuarela. Unión de Artistas de Moscú. Obra maestra. Galería. Colección.
Dipinti di Denis Veles artista russo grafica.Grafica. Acquerello. Unione degli artisti di Mosca. Capolavoro. Galleria. Collezione.
Denis Veles 的画作 俄罗斯艺术家图画。水彩画。莫斯科艺术家联盟。杰作。画廊。收藏。
Gemälde von Denis Veles Russischer Künstler Graphik.Graphik. Aquarell. Moskauer Union der Künstler. Meisterwerk. Galerie. Sammlung.
Pinturas de Denis Veles Gráficos de artistas russos.Gráficos. Aguarela. União dos Artistas de Moscovo. Obra-prima. Galeria. Coleção.
Peintures de Denis Veles Artiste graphique russe.Graphiques. Aquarelle. Union des artistes de Moscou. Chef-d'œuvre. Galerie. Collection.
Denis Velesによる絵画 ロシア人アーティスト graphics.グラフィック. 水彩画。モスクワ芸術家連合。傑作. ギャラリー. コレクション。
لوحات للرسام دينيس فيليس، فنان جرافيك روسي. ألوان مائية. اتحاد موسكو للفنانين. تحفة. صالة عرض. مجموعة.
Artist shop
Veles Denis
Number of products: 42
Investment/Artist Denis Veles.
Denis Veles (b. 1984)
Shop Veles Denis![](/assets/image/logo_39166/f3ce2/fix172172logo39166__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Denis Veles
Велес Денис Сварожич – российский художник-график, родился и проживает в Москве. Из дворянского польского рода Лис-Олтаржевских. Внук заслуженного художника РСФСР.
В 2008 году окончил МГХПУ им. Строганова Кафедры «Искусства графики». Имеет медаль «За заслуги в культуре и искусстве». Художник московского союза художников. Резидент галереи «The Se7en Arts» Валенсия (Испания).
Одну из его картин «Крымский мост», станковая графика, можно увидеть в информационных изданиях об академии на английском языке «МГХПА 2021 проспект» и к 190 лет МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова.
С 2004 года Денис Велес участвует в благотворительных выставках и фестивалях в Москве.
Paintings by Denis Veles Russian artist graphics.Graphics. Watercolour. Moscow Union of Artists. Masterpiece. Gallery. Collection.
Lukisan oleh Denis Veles seniman Rusia grafis.Grafis. Cat air. Persatuan Seniman Moskow. Mahakarya. Galeri. Koleksi.
Pinturas de Denis Veles artista ruso graphics.Graphics. Acuarela. Unión de Artistas de Moscú. Obra maestra. Galería. Colección.
Dipinti di Denis Veles artista russo grafica.Grafica. Acquerello. Unione degli artisti di Mosca. Capolavoro. Galleria. Collezione.
Denis Veles 的画作 俄罗斯艺术家图画。水彩画。莫斯科艺术家联盟。杰作。画廊。收藏。
Gemälde von Denis Veles Russischer Künstler Graphik.Graphik. Aquarell. Moskauer Union der Künstler. Meisterwerk. Galerie. Sammlung.
Pinturas de Denis Veles Gráficos de artistas russos.Gráficos. Aguarela. União dos Artistas de Moscovo. Obra-prima. Galeria. Coleção.
Peintures de Denis Veles Artiste graphique russe.Graphiques. Aquarelle. Union des artistes de Moscou. Chef-d'œuvre. Galerie. Collection.
Denis Velesによる絵画 ロシア人アーティスト graphics.グラフィック. 水彩画。モスクワ芸術家連合。傑作. ギャラリー. コレクション。
لوحات للرسام دينيس فيليس، فنان جرافيك روسي. ألوان مائية. اتحاد موسكو للفنانين. تحفة. صالة عرض. مجموعة.
Artist shop
Veles Denis
Number of products: 42
Инвестиции в искусство. Художник МОСХ.
Denis Veles (b. 1984)
Shop Veles Denis![](/assets/image/logo_39166/f3ce2/fix172172logo39166__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Denis Veles
Велес Денис Сварожич – российский художник-график, родился и проживает в Москве. Из дворянского польского рода Лис-Олтаржевских. Внук заслуженного художника РСФСР.
В 2008 году окончил МГХПУ им. Строганова Кафедры «Искусства графики». Имеет медаль «За заслуги в культуре и искусстве». Художник московского союза художников. Резидент галереи «The Se7en Arts» Валенсия (Испания).
Одну из его картин «Крымский мост», станковая графика, можно увидеть в информационных изданиях об академии на английском языке «МГХПА 2021 проспект» и к 190 лет МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова.
С 2004 года Денис Велес участвует в благотворительных выставках и фестивалях в Москве.
Paintings by Denis Veles Russian artist graphics.Graphics. Watercolour. Moscow Union of Artists. Masterpiece. Gallery. Collection.
Lukisan oleh Denis Veles seniman Rusia grafis.Grafis. Cat air. Persatuan Seniman Moskow. Mahakarya. Galeri. Koleksi.
Pinturas de Denis Veles artista ruso graphics.Graphics. Acuarela. Unión de Artistas de Moscú. Obra maestra. Galería. Colección.
Dipinti di Denis Veles artista russo grafica.Grafica. Acquerello. Unione degli artisti di Mosca. Capolavoro. Galleria. Collezione.
Denis Veles 的画作 俄罗斯艺术家图画。水彩画。莫斯科艺术家联盟。杰作。画廊。收藏。
Gemälde von Denis Veles Russischer Künstler Graphik.Graphik. Aquarell. Moskauer Union der Künstler. Meisterwerk. Galerie. Sammlung.
Pinturas de Denis Veles Gráficos de artistas russos.Gráficos. Aguarela. União dos Artistas de Moscovo. Obra-prima. Galeria. Coleção.
Peintures de Denis Veles Artiste graphique russe.Graphiques. Aquarelle. Union des artistes de Moscou. Chef-d'œuvre. Galerie. Collection.
Denis Velesによる絵画 ロシア人アーティスト graphics.グラフィック. 水彩画。モスクワ芸術家連合。傑作. ギャラリー. コレクション。
لوحات للرسام دينيس فيليس، فنان جرافيك روسي. ألوان مائية. اتحاد موسكو للفنانين. تحفة. صالة عرض. مجموعة.
Artist shop
Veles Denis
Number of products: 42
One day in Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains⠀ Painting by Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy (b. 1949)
Shop Dubrovskyy Aleksandr![](/assets/image/logo_18002/bcb69/fix172172logo18002__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Aleksandr Dubrovskyy
1949: Alexandr Dubrovskyy Ukrainian painter - impressionist
1956-1965: Studies at the studio of fine arts in Enakievo (Ukraine)
1969: Graduates from Kharkiv State Art School (professor Tanpeter, Ukraine)
1972-1984: Participated in numerous prestigious personal and collective exhibitions of the Soviet Union and abroad
1973-1975: Exhibitions of contemporary Soviet art (Tokyo, Kyushu, Japan)
1973-1984: Creative trips to the art center of SEDNIV (Ukraine). Worked together with and learned at the same time from outstanding painters such as Konstantyn Lomykin, Fedor Zakharov, Nikolay Glushchenko, Viktor Shatalin, and Tatyana Yablonskaya.
1984-2019: Participated in the personal and collective exhibition all around Ukraine and abroad
1985-1993: International exhibitions of contemporary art (Algeria)
1987: Member of National Union of Artists of Ukraine
1992: An exhibition of artists of the St. Petersburg School of Painting (ARCOLE Gallery, Paris, France)
1995-2004: Designed & Created mosaic panels at the Cathedral of Saint Mina (Alexandria, Egypt)
2003-2005: Designed & Created mosaics in St.George's Cathedral of Vydubitsky Monastery (Kyiv, Ukraine)
2007-2020: Exhibitions of Plein Air painting (All around Ukraine and abroad)
Permanent exhibitions:
• Museum "Art Gallery" in the Golitsyn Palace (Trostyanets, Sumy region, Ukraine)
• Horlivka Art Museum - shows the painting of the Soviet period (Horlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine).
• Lebedin City Art Museum. B.K. Rudneva (Lebedin, Sumy region, Ukraine)
Artist shop
Dubrovskyy Aleksandr
Number of products: 37
Lot 380 Maurice Quentin de Latour, nach. Portrait of Louis XV of France
Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704 - 1788)
A415: Dezember-Auktion ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/4658/lb3EH4t4u-fh8RB1Pi-IO-xOlBf94sqS-5_8sedlD1hJ4ysF3-79ODpsJXe6PfP0_1731586753-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Maurice Quentin de La Tour
05.09.1704 - 17.02.1788
Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Date: 04.12.2024 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 514
Lot 447 Karl Stuhlmüller. The favourite cow
Karl Stuhlmüller (1859 - 1930)
A415: Dezember-Auktion ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/4658/lb3EH4t4u-fh8RB1Pi-IO-xOlBf94sqS-5_8sedlD1hJ4ysF3-79ODpsJXe6PfP0_1731586753-172x196_center_100.jpg)
![](https://veryimportantlot.com/uploads/art_data/Artist/12480/Карл Штульмюллер.jpg)
Karl Stuhlmüller
1859 - 13.03.1930
Karl Stuhlmüller is a German landscape and animal painter.
Kunstauktionshaus Neumeister
A415: Dezember-Auktion
Date: 04.12.2024 14:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 514
Mariia Lysa (b. 1994)
Shop Lysa Mariia![](/assets/image/logo_23963/5ee65/fix172172logo23963__fix_172_172.jpeg)
Mariia Lysa
Привет! Меня зовут Мария Лиса.
Люблю работать с акварелью и маслом. Сюжеты для своих картин я создаю сочетанием узоров, мандал, абстракций с силуэтами животных, растений, людей и неодушевленных предметов.
Работаю преподавателем рисования в детской студии.
Также я занимаюсь проведением творческих мастер-классов для взрослых и детей.
Artist shop
Lysa Mariia
Number of products: 9
Vienna Bergmann Bronze Lady Dancer Bruno Zach Made circa 1925-1930
Bruno Zach (1891-1935)
Joseph Lorenzl (1892 - 1950)
Shop city-antik![](/assets/image/picture_13885/ee085/usslytoudd38gblvn62f4kj3jkwxz7bqelqiaisrp8wzsxfl9wvmwcrso3c1wsb1491504469jpg__fix_172_172.jpeg)
![](https://veryimportantlot.com/uploads/art_data/Artist/10982/Йозеф Лоренцль.jpg)
Joseph Lorenzl
01.09.1892 - 15.08.1950
Josef Lorenzl was an Austrian sculptor and ceramicist of the Art Deco period, the same era as Ferdinand Preiss (1882–1943) and Demetre Chiparus (1886–1947).
Number of products: 117