584 Items by auctions and galleries:
защитное оружие
Lot 8165 Reliefierter Prunkmorion im Stil um 1600, galvanoplatische Anfertigung, deutscher Historismus um 1860
O82aw - Ancient weapons and armor from around the world
Hermann Historica
O82aw - Ancient weapons and armor from around the world
Date: 23.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 577
Lot 8169 Knechtischer Harnisch, Sammleranfertigung unter Anwendung eines originalen Morions, deutsch, um 1570
O82aw - Ancient weapons and armor from around the world
Hermann Historica
O82aw - Ancient weapons and armor from around the world
Date: 23.06.2020 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 577