вильгельм трюбнер (1851 - 1917)

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.

Heinrich Wilhelm Trübner was a German realist painter of the circle of Wilhelm Leibl.