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Stanley Boxer was an American artist best known for thickly painted abstract works of art. He was also an accomplished sculptor and printmaker. He received awards from the Guggenheim Fellowship and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Jevel Demikovski, known professionally as Jules Olitski, was an American painter, printmaker, and sculptor.
Olitski had over 150 one-person exhibitions in his lifetime and is represented in museums worldwide. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of Hartford, Keene State College, and Southern New Hampshire University.

Callum Innes is a Scottish abstract painter, a former Turner Prize nominee and winner of the Jerwood Painting Prize. He lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Callum Innes is a Scottish abstract painter, a former Turner Prize nominee and winner of the Jerwood Painting Prize. He lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Callum Innes is a Scottish abstract painter, a former Turner Prize nominee and winner of the Jerwood Painting Prize. He lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland.