ID 1362952
Los 89 | CONDER, Charles (1868-1909)
£ 10 000 – 15 000
20 autograph letters signed ('Charles Conder') to Leonard Smithers (3), Mrs Dalhousie Young (7), [Thomas] Way (7), Pickford Waller (2) and unidentified (one), Dieppe, Paris, La Roche Guyon, London and Newquay, 20 August 1895 - 4 October 1906
Together approximately 30 pages, various sizes, one letter to Mrs Young including three sketches for a dress design in pencil and pen (two annotated, one full-page, one cancelled), and four possibly related sketches of a woman's head and dress, on two separate leaves; with 9 letters to Pickford Waller by Conder's friend (and Stella's aunt) Florence Humphrey, 1907-09, giving news of Conder's declining health and of his affairs after his death; and related items. Provenance: Barry Humphries (1934-2023; bookplate).
On artistic commissions and techniques, including drawing, lithography, fans and costumes, also mentioning fellow artists and writers including Wilde, Dowson, Symons and Beardsley. Conder's letters to Smithers between August and October 1895 discuss a set of drawings for a book, 'I have not sent them on for Dowson says you are coming over on Saturday ... "La Fille aux yeux d'or" is getting on all right', adding in September of the same series (now completed) that 'Beardsley likes the last drawing the best', and suggesting a French edition, also enquiring, 'can you give me a commission to do a fan book? ... they could be printed on silk'; in October, 'Symons took over the Fête Galant[e] picture'; also discussing his search for a studio in Paris, and in each letter asking for money.
An interesting undated letter to the wife of the composer Dalhousie Young includes a 'drawing of [a] dress that I think would be very elegant. I hope the drawing will be clear to you – the jacket is sewn on to the waist coat & a goffered edge left over, to sow [sic] the velvet edging to'; he writes to the same recipient from Chantemerle in 1898 that, 'the Blunts bought a house here & I have been decorating the "salle a manger" with him ... You are very kind to offer to try & sell my fan ... I was in Paris two weeks ago but saw nothing of Oscar [Wilde] although I called twice at his hotel ... I am sending over a fan in quite a different manner it is a "scene de theatre" & I fancy very suitable in the small medallions'. The letter to an unidentified recipient on 26 February 1904 regrets not being able to contribute pictures to an exhibition.
The letters to the printer Thomas Way in 1905-06 include a proposed arrangement to exchange his picture of Swanage for two pictures by Whistler plus £50, and frequently discuss Conder's experiments with lithographs ('I spoilt one stone I think I was nervous', 'I think if I could do some colour lithographs I should not use washes', remembering also his observation of lithographs in Australia when illustrating for the Illustrated Sydney News), and other techniques such as drawings on transfer paper ('most unsatisfactory & I must do better'), and printing on silk, also discussing paper ('I like the same paper that Mr Rothenstein used ... I often do drawings on roughish paper called Landseer & lightly pass tints with Wolffs pencils & decompose the colours like one does in oil'), and also reporting from Cornwall on his health ('this is a lovely place & one sees heavenly sea effects. I am only allowed to work four hours a day but that is something')
The letters to the collector Pickford Waller date from Conder's last years of physical decline: he writes from Cornwall in October 1906 'I have a very good doctor who really does seem to understand my case – only one thing I cannot follow quite & that is I like to do a little work every day it seems to keep me in better spirits ... When I was at Dr Abbott's in Surrey ... I used to lie in bed all the time & look out at the most beautiful sky I have ever seen. The clouds took the most beautiful shapes of gods, & nymphs etc – I used to conceal a small sketchbook in bed & try to make compositions – I am so glad you got the decoration. I think it is one of my most successful works in the colour scheme ... The sea here is simply beautiful, I have tried to do some small pictures of it'.
Künstler: | Charles Edward Conder (1868 - 1909) |
Herkunftsort: | England, Nordeuropa, Europa, Vereinigtes Königreich |
Kategorie des Auktionshauses: | Briefe, Dokumente und Manuskripte, Bücher und Handschriften |
Künstler: | Charles Edward Conder (1868 - 1909) |
Herkunftsort: | England, Nordeuropa, Europa, Vereinigtes Königreich |
Kategorie des Auktionshauses: | Briefe, Dokumente und Manuskripte, Bücher und Handschriften |
Adresse der Versteigerung |
CHRISTIE'S 8 King Street, St. James's SW1Y 6QT London Vereinigtes Königreich | |
Vorschau |
| |
Telefon | +44 (0)20 7839 9060 | |
Aufgeld | see on Website | |
Nutzungsbedingungen | Nutzungsbedingungen |
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