Fernand Toussaint (1873 - 1956)

Fernand Toussaint (1873 - 1956) - photo 1

Fernand Toussaint

Fernand Toussaint was a Belgian painter and illustrator in the 19th century Belgian School. At age 15 he began studying art with Jean-François Portaels at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts and three years later left for Paris to continue his studies there. He made his study under the well-known Belgian portraitist Alfred Stevens. He specialised in painting portraits of women, still lifes and city-scapes, in the Impressionist, Art Nouveau, and Post-Impressionist styles. His works include paintings, water-colours and posters. He is also a famed artist to depict beautiful floral still lifes and interiors, coastal views and seascapes.


Date and place of birt:17 march 1873, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium
Date and place of death:31 july 1956, Elsene, Belgium
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Artist, Genre painter, Illustrator, Landscape painter, Marine painter, Painter, Portraitist
Genre:Cityscape, Flower still life, Genre art, Landscape painting, Marine art, Nude art, Portrait, Still life
Art style:Impressionism, Modern art, Post-Impressionism

Creators Belgium

Marc Robbroeckx (1950)
Marc Robbroeckx
François André Durlet (1816 - 1867)
François André Durlet
1816 - 1867
Jozef Horenbant (1863 - 1956)
Jozef Horenbant
1863 - 1956
Ignatius van der Stock (1635 - 1664)
Ignatius van der Stock
1635 - 1664
Jan August Hendrik Leys (1815 - 1869)
Jan August Hendrik Leys
1815 - 1869
André Hallet (1890 - 1959)
André Hallet
1890 - 1959
Gillis Claesz de Hondecoeter (1575 - 1638)
Gillis Claesz de Hondecoeter
1575 - 1638
Hermann Courtens (1884 - 1956)
Hermann Courtens
1884 - 1956
Theodore-Joseph Canneel (1817 - 1892)
Theodore-Joseph Canneel
1817 - 1892
Auguste Donnay (1862 - 1921)
Auguste Donnay
1862 - 1921
Artus Wolffort (1581 - 1641)
Artus Wolffort
1581 - 1641
Hendrikus Johannes Knip (1819 - 1899)
Hendrikus Johannes Knip
1819 - 1899
Jacobus Melchior van Herck (1691 - 1735)
Jacobus Melchior van Herck
1691 - 1735
Jodocus Hondius (1563 - 1612)
Jodocus Hondius
1563 - 1612
Philippe de Champaigne (1602 - 1674)
Philippe de Champaigne
1602 - 1674
Ado Chale (1928)
Ado Chale

Creators Impressionism

Morgan Russell (1886 - 1953)
Morgan Russell
1886 - 1953
Magnus Weidemann (1880 - 1967)
Magnus Weidemann
1880 - 1967
Georg Hambüchen (1901 - 1971)
Georg Hambüchen
1901 - 1971
Bernhard Kretzschmar (1889 - 1972)
Bernhard Kretzschmar
1889 - 1972
Gray Johnson Malvin (1896 - 1934)
Gray Johnson Malvin
1896 - 1934
Charles Holroyd (1861 - 1917)
Charles Holroyd
1861 - 1917
Sigmund Walter Hampel (1867 - 1949)
Sigmund Walter Hampel
1867 - 1949
Edward Harrison Compton (1881 - 1960)
Edward Harrison Compton
1881 - 1960
William Robinson Leigh (1866 - 1955)
William Robinson Leigh
1866 - 1955
Damián Ortega (1967)
Damián Ortega
Friedrich Leonhard (Fritz) Heubner (1886 - 1974)
Friedrich Leonhard (Fritz) Heubner
1886 - 1974
Eugène Boch (1855 - 1941)
Eugène Boch
1855 - 1941
Jules Noel (1815 - 1881)
Jules Noel
1815 - 1881
Gioachimo Galbusera (1871 - 1944)
Gioachimo Galbusera
1871 - 1944
Lilla Cabot Perry (1848 - 1933)
Lilla Cabot Perry
1848 - 1933
Maria La Roche (1870 - 1952)
Maria La Roche
1870 - 1952