Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832) - photo 1

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German polymath and writer, is celebrated as one of the most influential figures in the German language and Western culture. His vast array of works spans poetry, novels, plays, and scientific writings, reflecting his diverse interests and profound impact on various fields.

Goethe's early life in Frankfurt laid the foundation for his diverse interests. After studying law, he gained fame with "The Sorrows of Young Werther," which led to an invitation to the Weimar court. His contributions there were significant, including roles in the ducal council, mining supervision, and cultural endeavors like theater management and the botanical park's planning​​​​.

His literary achievements are vast, with notable works like "Faust" and "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship," which delve into human nature and societal reflections. Goethe's "Sturm und Drang" period was marked by intense emotion and a break from traditional forms, influencing subsequent cultural movements​​​​.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's interest in science is equally noteworthy. He made contributions to biology, zoology, and color theory, advocating for a holistic view of nature and expressing skepticism toward restrictive scientific methodologies. His works in these areas reflect a deep desire to understand and articulate the natural world's interconnectedness​​​​.

For art collectors and experts, Goethe's influence extends beyond his literary and scientific contributions. His role in Weimar Classicism and his artistic endeavors offer rich insights into the period's cultural landscape, providing a multifaceted perspective on his legacy.

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Date and place of birt:28 august 1749, Frankfurt, Germany
Date and place of death:22 march 1832, Weimar, Germany
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Critic, Filmmaker, Philosopher, Poet, Politician, Scientist, Writer
Genre:Новелла, Поэма, Трактат, Эссе, драма
Art style:Romanticism

Creators Germany

Wolfgang Laib (1950)
Wolfgang Laib
Ralph Fleck (1951)
Ralph Fleck
Ayako Rokkaku (1982)
Ayako Rokkaku
Ralf Kaspers (1957)
Ralf Kaspers
Erhard Schon (1491 - 1542)
Erhard Schon
1491 - 1542
Franz Seraph Stirnbrand (1788 - 1882)
Franz Seraph Stirnbrand
1788 - 1882
Eckart Hahn (1971)
Eckart Hahn
Gunter Böhmer (1911 - 1986)
Gunter Böhmer
1911 - 1986
Erwin Heerich (1922 - 2004)
Erwin Heerich
1922 - 2004
Max Gerd Kaminski (1938 - 2019)
Max Gerd Kaminski
1938 - 2019
Albert Kindle (1833 - 1876)
Albert Kindle
1833 - 1876
Albert Renger-Patzsch (1897 - 1966)
Albert Renger-Patzsch
1897 - 1966
Antonio Marra (1959)
Antonio Marra
Georg Dick (1971 - 2011)
Georg Dick
1971 - 2011
Willy Habl (1888 - 1964)
Willy Habl
1888 - 1964
Jacob Alberts (1860 - 1941)
Jacob Alberts
1860 - 1941

Creators Romanticism

Johann Caspar Herterich (1843 - 1905)
Johann Caspar Herterich
1843 - 1905
Ernst Meisel (1838 - 1895)
Ernst Meisel
1838 - 1895
William Bell Scott (1811 - 1890)
William Bell Scott
1811 - 1890
Cristóbal Rojas (1858 - 1890)
Cristóbal Rojas
1858 - 1890
Nikolai Rimskii-Korsakov (1844 - 1908)
Nikolai Rimskii-Korsakov
1844 - 1908
Peter von Hess (1792 - 1871)
Peter von Hess
1792 - 1871
Alexey Filippovich Chernyshyov (1824 - 1863)
Alexey Filippovich Chernyshyov
1824 - 1863
William Alexander Coulter (1849 - 1936)
William Alexander Coulter
1849 - 1936
Jean Gabriel Scheffer (1979 - 1876)
Jean Gabriel Scheffer
1979 - 1876
Georg Wilhelm Timm (1820 - 1895)
Georg Wilhelm Timm
1820 - 1895
Francesco Gnecchi (1847 - 1919)
Francesco Gnecchi
1847 - 1919
Alfred Dehodencq (1822 - 1882)
Alfred Dehodencq
1822 - 1882
Edward William Cooke (1811 - 1880)
Edward William Cooke
1811 - 1880
Franz Schmid (1796 - 1851)
Franz Schmid
1796 - 1851
Joseph Holzer (1824 - 1876)
Joseph Holzer
1824 - 1876
Karl Friedrich Christian Welsch (1828 - 1904)
Karl Friedrich Christian Welsch
1828 - 1904