Max Josef Wagenbauer (1775 - 1829)

Max Josef Wagenbauer (1775 - 1829) - photo 1

Max Josef Wagenbauer

Date and place of birt:28 july 1775, Öxing, Germany
Date and place of death:12 may 1829, Munich, Germany
Period of activity: XVIII, XIX century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:Munich School
Genre:Animalistic, Landscape painting, Mountain landscape, Rural landscape
Art style:Romanticism

Auction prices Max Josef Wagenbauer

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Creators Romanticism

Hendrik Barend Koekkoek (1849 - 1908)
Hendrik Barend Koekkoek
1849 - 1908
Heinrich Ambros Eckert (1807 - 1840)
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1803 - 1885
Balthasar Wiegand (1770 - 1846)
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1770 - 1846
Eduard von Heuss (1808 - 1880)
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1808 - 1880
André Giroux (1801 - 1879)
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1801 - 1879
George Barret II (1767 - 1842)
George Barret II
1767 - 1842
Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ (1842 - 1923)
Jean-Jules-Antoine Lecomte du Nouÿ
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Yevgeny Alexandrovich Lanceray (1848 - 1886)
Yevgeny Alexandrovich Lanceray
1848 - 1886
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832 - 1898)
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
1832 - 1898
August Allebé (1838 - 1927)
August Allebé
1838 - 1927
Adalbert Stifter (1805 - 1868)
Adalbert Stifter
1805 - 1868
Jean-Francois de Sompsois (1720 - 1808)
Jean-Francois de Sompsois
1720 - 1808
Eugène Gluck (1820 - 1898)
Eugène Gluck
1820 - 1898
John Berney Ladbrooke (1803 - 1879)
John Berney Ladbrooke
1803 - 1879
Samuel Alken I (1756 - 1815)
Samuel Alken I
1756 - 1815