Max Unold (1885 - 1964) - photo 1

Max Unold

Date and place of birt:1 october 1885, Memmingen, Germany
Date and place of death:18 may 1964, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Artist, Educator, Engraver, Graphic artist, Illustrator, Painter, Politician, Writer
Genre:Genre art, Genre Portrait, Rural landscape, Still life
Art style:Expressionism, Modern art, Post War Art
Max Unold - Auction prices

Auction prices Max Unold

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Creators Expressionism

Stephan Heggelke (1963)
Stephan Heggelke
Antonius van der Pas (1920 - 2008)
Antonius van der Pas
1920 - 2008
Aleksei Evgenevich Zelenskii (1903 - 1974)
Aleksei Evgenevich Zelenskii
1903 - 1974
Margitta Abels (1950)
Margitta Abels
Albert Weisgerber (1878 - 1915)
Albert Weisgerber
1878 - 1915
Leo Berger (1885 - 1983)
Leo Berger
1885 - 1983
Michel Gigon (1929 - 2022)
Michel Gigon
1929 - 2022
Elmar Georg Dietz (1902 - 1996)
Elmar Georg Dietz
1902 - 1996
Harald Metzkes (1929)
Harald Metzkes
Revekka Moiseevna Tsuzmer (1918 - 2009)
Revekka Moiseevna Tsuzmer
1918 - 2009
Carlo Forcolini (1947)
Carlo Forcolini
Manolo Millares (1926 - 1972)
Manolo Millares
1926 - 1972
Edmund Daniel Kinzinger (1888 - 1963)
Edmund Daniel Kinzinger
1888 - 1963
Valentine Hugo (1887 - 1968)
Valentine Hugo
1887 - 1968
Fritz Erler (1868 - 1940)
Fritz Erler
1868 - 1940
Ludwig Wilhelm Grossmann (1894 - 1960)
Ludwig Wilhelm Grossmann
1894 - 1960