Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (1874 - 1947)

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (1874 - 1947) - photo 1

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich (Russian: Никола́й Константи́нович Ре́рих) was a distinguished Russian artist, writer, archaeologist, and philosopher, renowned for his profound contributions to culture and art. His multifaceted career spanned various disciplines, but it was his exceptional talent in painting that immortalized his name among the greats. Roerich's art is celebrated for its mystical and symbolic themes, often drawing inspiration from Russian folklore, religion, and his own spiritual quests. His dedication to cultural preservation and peace through art led to the establishment of the Roerich Pact, a treaty advocating for the protection of cultural heritage.

Roerich's paintings are characterized by vibrant colors and intricate details, capturing the ethereal beauty of landscapes and mythical scenes. His works, such as "Madonna Laboris" and the series "Sancta," are revered for their spiritual depth and artistic excellence. These masterpieces can be found in prestigious museums and galleries worldwide, serving as testaments to Roerich's enduring legacy in the art world. His commitment to integrating spiritual and cultural dimensions in his art has made him a seminal figure for collectors and experts in art and antiques.

Roerich's influence extends beyond his paintings; his philosophical writings and cultural initiatives have also left a significant mark on the fields of art and heritage preservation. As enthusiasts of art and antiquities continue to explore Roerich's rich legacy, there is a growing appreciation for his vision of unity and harmony through cultural expression. For those captivated by Roerich's remarkable life and works, signing up for updates is an invaluable opportunity to stay informed about new product sales and auction events dedicated to his art. This subscription is a gateway to exclusive insights and offerings that celebrate the legacy of Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, ensuring enthusiasts remain connected to the evolving exploration of his profound contributions.

Date and place of birt:9 october 1874, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:13 december 1947, Kullu, India
Nationality:Russia, India, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XIX, XX century
Specialization:Archaeologist, Artist, Painter, Philosopher, Public figure, Scenographer, Scientist, Writer
Art school / group:Salon d'Automne, Union of Russian Artists, Общество архитекторов-художников, Общество художников имени Куинджи
Genre:History painting, Landscape painting, Religious genre
Art style:Modern art, Realism, Symbolism

Creators Russia

George Ivanovich Narbut (1886 - 1920)
George Ivanovich Narbut
1886 - 1920
Vasily Dmitrievich Milioti (1875 - 1943)
Vasily Dmitrievich Milioti
1875 - 1943
Yevgeny Adolfovich Kibrik (1906 - 1978)
Yevgeny Adolfovich Kibrik
1906 - 1978
Vladimir Yegorovich Makovsky (1846 - 1920)
Vladimir Yegorovich Makovsky
1846 - 1920
Vasily Vasilievich Sokolov (1915 - 2013)
Vasily Vasilievich Sokolov
1915 - 2013
Viktor Dmitrievich Zamiraylo (1868 - 1939)
Viktor Dmitrievich Zamiraylo
1868 - 1939
Irina Mikhailovna Baldina (1922 - 2009)
Irina Mikhailovna Baldina
1922 - 2009
Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov (1870 - 1939)
Arkady Alexandrovich Rylov
1870 - 1939
Vadim Vadimovich Trofimov (1912 - 1981)
Vadim Vadimovich Trofimov
1912 - 1981
Feliks Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov (1940 - 2021)
Feliks Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
1940 - 2021
Roman Grigoryevich Chatov (1900 - 1987)
Roman Grigoryevich Chatov
1900 - 1987
Pyotr Dmitrievich Pokarzhevsky (1889 - 1968)
Pyotr Dmitrievich Pokarzhevsky
1889 - 1968
Alexander Petrovich Koroviakov (1912 - 1993)
Alexander Petrovich Koroviakov
1912 - 1993
Alexander Alekseevich Efimov (1905 - 1964)
Alexander Alekseevich Efimov
1905 - 1964
Fedor Mikhaylovich Matveev (1758 - 1826)
Fedor Mikhaylovich Matveev
1758 - 1826
Artur Petrovich Apinis (1904 - 1975)
Artur Petrovich Apinis
1904 - 1975

Creators Modern art

Tina Modotti (1896 - 1942)
Tina Modotti
1896 - 1942
Louis Tuaillon (1862 - 1919)
Louis Tuaillon
1862 - 1919
Theodor Horschelt (1829 - 1871)
Theodor Horschelt
1829 - 1871
Carl Rodeck (1841 - 1909)
Carl Rodeck
1841 - 1909
Charles Holroyd (1861 - 1917)
Charles Holroyd
1861 - 1917
Ettore Cosomati (1873 - 1960)
Ettore Cosomati
1873 - 1960
Kostin Petrescu (1872 - 1954)
Kostin Petrescu
1872 - 1954
Emile Edwin Ganz (1871 - 1948)
Emile Edwin Ganz
1871 - 1948
Abdul Ghani Ahmad (1945)
Abdul Ghani Ahmad
John Atkinson Grimshaw (1836 - 1893)
John Atkinson Grimshaw
1836 - 1893
Léon Tanzi (1846 - 1913)
Léon Tanzi
1846 - 1913
Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam (1891 - 1938)
Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam
1891 - 1938
Yuri Vladimirovich Belov (1929 - 2017)
Yuri Vladimirovich Belov
1929 - 2017
Otto Georgi (1819 - 1874)
Otto Georgi
1819 - 1874
Johannes Hermanus Koekkoek (1778 - 1851)
Johannes Hermanus Koekkoek
1778 - 1851
Victor Qvistorff (1883 - 1953)
Victor Qvistorff
1883 - 1953