Pierre Soulages (1919 - 2022)

Pierre Soulages (1919 - 2022) - photo 1

Pierre Soulages

Pierre Soulages was a French painter, printmaker, and sculptor. In 2014, François Hollande described him as "the world's greatest living artist."

Soulages is known as "the painter of black," owing to his interest in the colour "both as a colour and a non-colour. When light is reflected on black, it transforms and transmutes it. It opens a mental field all its own." He saw light as a work material; striations of the black surface of his paintings enable him to reflect light, allowing the black to come out of darkness and into brightness, thus becoming a luminous colour.


Date and place of birt:24 december 1919, Rodez, France
Date and place of death:26 october 2022, Nîmes, France
Period of activity: XX, XXI century
Specialization:Artist, Painter
Art school / group:New School of Paris, School of Paris
Art style:Abstract art, Abstract Expressionism, Tachisme, Informalism, Contemporary art

Creators France

Barthélemy Prieur (1536 - 1611)
Barthélemy Prieur
1536 - 1611
François Arnal (1924 - 2012)
François Arnal
1924 - 2012
 Maître François (XV century - XV century)
Maître François
XV century - XV century
Zofya Piramovich (1880 - 1958)
Zofya Piramovich
1880 - 1958
Jean Restout (1692 - 1768)
Jean Restout
1692 - 1768
Henri Rivière (1864 - 1951)
Henri Rivière
1864 - 1951
Pierre-Philippe Thomire (1751 - 1843)
Pierre-Philippe Thomire
1751 - 1843
Jean-Simon Berthélemy (1743 - 1811)
Jean-Simon Berthélemy
1743 - 1811
Jean Simeon Rousseau de la Rottiere (1747 - 1820)
Jean Simeon Rousseau de la Rottiere
1747 - 1820
Gustave Doré (1832 - 1883)
Gustave Doré
1832 - 1883
François Hippolyte Debon (1816 - 1872)
François Hippolyte Debon
1816 - 1872
Claude Gillot (1673 - 1722)
Claude Gillot
1673 - 1722
Paul Chabas (1869 - 1937)
Paul Chabas
1869 - 1937
Jacques Emile Blanche (1861 - 1942)
Jacques Emile Blanche
1861 - 1942
François Bonvin (1817 - 1887)
François Bonvin
1817 - 1887
Nicolas Toussaint Charlet (1792 - 1845)
Nicolas Toussaint Charlet
1792 - 1845

Creators Abstract Expressionism

Max Hermann Mahlmann (1912 - 2000)
Max Hermann Mahlmann
1912 - 2000
Sabine Lang (1972)
Sabine Lang
Bertrand Lavier (1949)
Bertrand Lavier
Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974)
Adolph Gottlieb
1903 - 1974
Christy Brown (1932 - 1981)
Christy Brown
1932 - 1981
Nikolai Bagratovich Nikoghosyan (1918 - 2018)
Nikolai Bagratovich Nikoghosyan
1918 - 2018
Herbert Rolf Schlegel (1889 - 1972)
Herbert Rolf Schlegel
1889 - 1972
Larry Poons (1937)
Larry Poons
Heinz Werner (1928 - 2019)
Heinz Werner
1928 - 2019
Chafic Abboud (1926 - 2004)
Chafic Abboud
1926 - 2004
Jennifer Tee (1973)
Jennifer Tee
Loie Hollowell (1983)
Loie Hollowell
Falko Hamm (1939 - 2015)
Falko Hamm
1939 - 2015
Ervin Bossányi (1891 - 1975)
Ervin Bossányi
1891 - 1975
Gerhard Wendland (1910 - 1986)
Gerhard Wendland
1910 - 1986
Andreas Böhm (1953)
Andreas Böhm