Nina Henrichovna Genke-Meller (1893 - 1954)

Nina Henrichovna Genke-Meller (1893 - 1954) - photo 1

Nina Henrichovna Genke-Meller

Nina Henrichovna Genke-Meller (Russian: Нина Генриховна Генке-Меллер) was a distinguished Ukrainian-Russian avant-garde artist, celebrated for her contributions as a Suprematist, Futurist, designer, graphic artist, and scenographer. Born on April 19, 1893, in Moscow, she emerged as a pivotal figure in the avant-garde movement, significantly influenced by the political and cultural upheavals of her time. Her multifaceted career took off after the October Revolution of 1917 when she actively participated in decorating the streets of Kyiv and Odesa for Revolution festivities alongside contemporaries like Aleksandra Ekster and Kliment Red'ko. Genke-Meller's artistic endeavors spanned various domains, including her role as a chief artist at the Golfstream futuristic publishing house, her pioneering work in graphic design, and her significant contributions to stage design, ceramics, and wallpaper manufacturing.

Her teaching stint at the All-Ukrainian State Center Studio from 1920 to 1924 marked a notable period in her career, where she influenced many through her artistic philosophies and practices. By 1924, Genke-Meller had moved to Moscow, further expanding her creative horizons as a stage designer and taking up roles in the decorative and applied arts. Her legacy includes a rich body of work that encapsulates the spirit of the avant-garde movement, with notable exhibitions showcasing her contributions to Ukrainian and Russian avant-garde art across various esteemed platforms like the National Art Museum of Ukraine, Villa Stuck in Munich, and The Ukrainian Museum in New York.

For collectors and experts in art and antiques, Nina Henrichovna Genke-Meller's works represent the revolutionary zeal of the avant-garde movement, offering a glimpse into the transformative power of art in the early 20th century. Her contributions continue to inspire and influence contemporary discussions on art and design, cementing her status as a key figure in the avant-garde narrative​​​.

For those interested in exploring the profound impact and timeless appeal of Genke-Meller's art, signing up for updates related to her work offers an exclusive gateway to new product sales and auction events, providing collectors and enthusiasts with timely insights into the vibrant legacy of this avant-garde icon.

Date and place of birt:19 april 1893, Moscow, Russian Empire
Date and place of death:25 july 1954, Kiev, USSR
Nationality:Russia, Ukraine, USSR, Russian Empire
Period of activity: XX century
Specialization:Designer, Graphic artist, Painter
Art school / group:Ассоциация революционного искусства Украины, Киевское кустарное общество, Супремус
Genre:Дизайн, Книжная графика
Art style:Avant-garde, Futurism, Suprematism

Creators Russia

Anton Pavlovich Losenko (1737 - 1773)
Anton Pavlovich Losenko
1737 - 1773
Mikhail Arkadyevich Suzdaltsev (1917 - 1998)
Mikhail Arkadyevich Suzdaltsev
1917 - 1998
Ilya Kabakov (1933 - 2023)
Ilya Kabakov
1933 - 2023
Alexey Vasilievich Kamensky (1927 - 2014)
Alexey Vasilievich Kamensky
1927 - 2014
Johann Baptist von Lampi I (1751 - 1830)
Johann Baptist von Lampi I
1751 - 1830
Alexander Tikhonovich Pushnin (1921 - 1991)
Alexander Tikhonovich Pushnin
1921 - 1991
Filipp Andreevich Malyavin (1869 - 1940)
Filipp Andreevich Malyavin
1869 - 1940
Semen Fedorovich Shchedrin (1745 - 1804)
Semen Fedorovich Shchedrin
1745 - 1804
Nikolai Vasilyevich (Nicolas) Krycevsky (1898 - 1961)
Nikolai Vasilyevich (Nicolas) Krycevsky
1898 - 1961
Nikolay Evgen'evich Vechtomov (1923 - 2007)
Nikolay Evgen'evich Vechtomov
1923 - 2007
Alexey Ilyich Tretyakov (1914 - 1963)
Alexey Ilyich Tretyakov
1914 - 1963
Olga Nikolayevna Sacharoff (1889 - 1967)
Olga Nikolayevna Sacharoff
1889 - 1967
Anatoly Afanasyevich Arapov (1876 - 1949)
Anatoly Afanasyevich Arapov
1876 - 1949
Lidia Ivanovna Charlemagne (1915 - 1963)
Lidia Ivanovna Charlemagne
1915 - 1963
Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky (1875 - 1957)
Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky
1875 - 1957
Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov (1887 - 1967)
Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov
1887 - 1967

Creators Avant-garde

Louis Davis (1860 - 1941)
Louis Davis
1860 - 1941
Pablo Curatella Manes (1891 - 1962)
Pablo Curatella Manes
1891 - 1962
Marco De Gregorio (1829 - 1876)
Marco De Gregorio
1829 - 1876
Mario Sironi (1885 - 1961)
Mario Sironi
1885 - 1961
Kurt Löwengard (1895 - 1940)
Kurt Löwengard
1895 - 1940
Gianfranco Baruchello (1924)
Gianfranco Baruchello
Graal Arelsky (1888 - 1937)
Graal Arelsky
1888 - 1937
Igor Alekseevich Ivanov (1937)
Igor Alekseevich Ivanov
Harvey Guzzini (1929 - 2020)
Harvey Guzzini
1929 - 2020
Yuri Berngardovich Kafengauz (1929 - 2008)
Yuri Berngardovich Kafengauz
1929 - 2008
Fikret Muallâ Saygı (1903 - 1967)
Fikret Muallâ Saygı
1903 - 1967
Feliks Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov (1940 - 2021)
Feliks Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov
1940 - 2021
Lado Gudiashvili (1896 - 1980)
Lado Gudiashvili
1896 - 1980
Josef Eberz (1880 - 1942)
Josef Eberz
1880 - 1942
Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992)
Richard Pousette-Dart
1916 - 1992
Sergei Aleksandrovich Fediaev (1935)
Sergei Aleksandrovich Fediaev