263 Items by auctions and galleries:
vente aux enchères du château
Lot 93 Ein Paar eisengeschnittene Steinschlosspistolen, Andrea Medecina in Brescia, um 1670
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 162 Napoleon I. - seltenes Portefeuille aus rotem Maroquinleder für "Gazettes Étrangères"
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 156 Vase, Berlin oder Dresden, um 1800
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 201 Torchère, Bronze, Frankreich, um 1830
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 55 Pulverflasche mit Kugelreservoir für Radschlosspuffer, Sachsen, um 1580
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 208 Lebensgroße Marmorbüste Voltaires, Frankreich, 1. Hälfte 19. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 14 Le Cabinet du Roi Paris : de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1723-1727 ...
The Exceptional Sale, Including masterpieces from the Rothschild Collections ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/3742/s507xxCFDfKUXTOGfH4Aq4BlLYOpIKR2iJwTyv5LuOv2ouCa8Oj0JwpUBmWw4J4t_1698824779-172x196_center_100.jpg)
The Exceptional Sale, Including masterpieces from the Rothschild Collections
Date: 21.11.2023 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 44
Lot 43 Seltene Renaissance-Pastiglia-Kassette, Italien, frühes 16. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 72 Fein verbeinte Luxus-Renaissance-Radschlossbüchse, süddeutsch, um 1600/1610
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 109 Ein bedeutendes Paar reich verbeinter Steinschlosspistolen, Schlesien, um 1690
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 197 Klassizistisches Verwandlungsmöbel, nach einem Entwurf von Karl Friedrich Schinkel (*1781 Neuruppin; † 1841 Berlin), Berlin, um 1830
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 238 Tisch mit feiner KPM Porzellantischplatte, Berlin, Ende 19. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 4 Äußerst seltener und früher Geldschüttelbaum, sogenannter Yao-quian-shu, China, östliche Han-Dynastie, 25 bis 220 n. Chr.
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 9 Bronzener Adler von ungewöhnlicher Größe und ausgesprochen feiner Ausarbeitung, griechisch, eventuell frühklassisch (frühes 5. Jhdt vor Christus) oder späthellenistisch (1. Jahrhundert v. – 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr.)
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 10 Ein elegantes Paar feinst gearbeiteter frühhellenistischer Goldarmbänder, 4. - 3. Jahrhundert vor Christus
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 15 Musealer, seltener Maulkorb eines Zaumzeugs, römisch, 2. - 3. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 17 Seltener awarischer teilvergoldeter Silberteller mit Tierkampfszene, Pannonien, ca. 8. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 18 Außergewöhnliches silbernes Enkolpion mit Teilvergoldung, spätbyzantinisch, 11. - 13. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 19 Ausdrucksstarkes spätbyzantinisches Goldmedaillon, 13. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 20 Bedeutender Reliquiaranhänger, spätbyzantinisch, 2. Hälfte 14. - Anfang 15. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 23 Große wikingische Gewandnadel mit Drachenkopfverzierung, 9. - 11. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 24 Wikingisches Schwert mit silbereingelegtem Gefäß, Nordeuropa, 10. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 25 Ritterliches Schwert zu anderthalb Hand, Passau, ca. 1300 - 1350
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 27 Skulptur des Heiligen Florians, süddeutsch, 2. Hälfte 15. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 31 Gotischer Feldharnisch, süddeutsch, teils Innsbruck, um 1480 - 1500
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 36 Maximilianischer ritterlicher Harnisch, deutsch, um 1510/20
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 39 Zwei Engel mit Schweißtuch der Heiligen Veronika, Memmingen, 1. Viertel 16. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 40 Große Skulptur des Heiligen Sebastians, Süddeutschland oder Italien, 1. Hälfte 16. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246
Lot 41 Hölzerne Büste eines jungen Mannes in antikisierendem Harnisch, Italien, 16. Jahrhundert
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century. ![](https://veryimportantlot.com/cache/catalog/1169/wGSEo2kMZlsf0Gxyb1gMMzDjA4PawhbyHU1Pegtye8lwuMRuKr9ubbweGsO8X5XN_1600422686-172x196_center_100.jpg)
Hermann Historica
From castles and palaces - selected arts and crafts from antiquity to the 20th century.
Date: 25.09.2020 16:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 246