Inspired by great masters as Vrubel and Monet, Van Lanigh creates figurative and landscape pieces. Her unique style is a reaction to abstractionism in an attempt to capture surrealistic yet casual reality. This is especially underlined by new forms and materials used in Van Lanigh’s artworks aimed to achieve the viewer’s resonance between visual effect and message of the painting.
One of her experiments is getting Pointillism into 3D space by making a series of human-face sculptures with small colorful handcrafted polymer clay balls.
Consciousness and subconsciousness, Vrij Paleis gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
(Roze hokjes) Pink Pigeonholing, Galerie Tuur, Venlo, the Netherlands
Journey through art, De Hallen, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Identity, De Hallen Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
What Now?, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, United States
With your eyes closed, SONIA MONTI, Paris, France
TO ART OR NOT TO ART, Fitzrovia Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Architecture in PHOTOGRAPHY, HAZE GALLERY, Berlin, Germany
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