Filtres et tri
The Yellow Billed CuckooThe Yellow Billed Cuckoo
Fauna AmericanaFauna Americana
Ornithological BiographyOrnithological Biography
Wild TurkeyWild Turkey
Wild TurkeyWild Turkey
Bald EagleBald Eagle
Song SparrowSong Sparrow
Blue Green WarblerBlue Green Warbler
Yellow Throat WarblerYellow Throat Warbler
Bay-breasted WarblerBay-breasted Warbler
Yellow-throated VireoYellow-throated Vireo
Barn OwlBarn Owl
Green HeronGreen Heron
North Pacific SeabirdsNorth Pacific Seabirds
Mountain QuailMountain Quail
Catalogue of Original DrawingsCatalogue of Original Drawings
The Birds of AmericaThe Birds of America
Presentation of the Florida RatPresentation of the Florida Rat
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