"Dividing by zero" Toile Technique mixte Réalisme socialiste Scènes de guerre 2011
This picture is the secret result of the centuries-old painstaking laboratory work of the employee of the Department of Absolute Knowledge "NUSS of the USSR Ministry ", will serve the owner in good service when you need to understand things that have no practical meaning and are not foreseen, but come in handy, but you have to urgently understand quickly, with minimal cost and pragmatic performance. Moreover, the more incredible the solution is found, the faster and better the memorization and use of the implementation will occur. The author-implementer warns in advance: thoughtful contemplation of the work can cause irreparable damage to your mind, and the awakening of Cthulhu is also possible (according to the author).
ID: | 17935 |
Artiste: | Alexandre Ab (né en 1976) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2011 |
Technique appliquée: | Technique mixte |
Matériel: | Toile |
Taille: | 60 x 40 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Réalisme socialiste |
Genre: | Scènes de guerre |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Carte de crédit, Paypal, En espèces |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal, Service de messagerie |
Retour de marchandises: | 30 jours |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Informations sur l'artiste
Александр, родился и вырос в России, окончив школу в 1998 году уехал в Европу, жил во Франции и учился в Университете прикладных наук Западной Швейцарии, после окончания работал в банковской системе Швейцарии. В 2011 году имел неосторожность разделить единицу на ноль в попытках создания нового образа банковских транзакций и этим получил философский дар атригуляции сущности вещей и фотонический кварк реализма бытия, что в итоге это вдохновило автора. Иногда автор видит модальности сущего и испытывает веселые галлюцинации они дают ему подсказки и помогают творить современное искусство.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.
Alexander, born and raised in Russia, after graduating from school in 1998, left for Europe, lived in France and studied at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, after graduation he worked in the Swiss banking system. In 2011, he had the imprudence to divide one by zero in an attempt to create a new image of banking transactions and thus received the philosophical gift of atrigulating the essence of things and the photonic quark of the realism of being, which ultimately inspired the author. Sometimes the author sees the modalities of existence and experiences funny hallucinations, they give him hints and help him create contemporary art.

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