Sofia Kievskaya Papier Aquarelle Ukraine 2018

Condition: | Disponible | Pologne, Gdansk
€ 190
Anastasiia Buinytska
Anastasiia Buinytska. Sofia Kievskaya
Sophia of Kiev is the most ancient monument to Christianity on the territory of the former Kievan Rus.

Informations sur l'artiste

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Autres œuvres de l'artiste

Wall mural with fireplace bright modern
Wall mural with fireplace bright modern
€ 400
Wall painting from the time of Homer
Wall painting from the time of Homer
Prix sur demande
Photo for memory
Photo for memory
€ 6 000
Ukrainian-Polish border
Ukrainian-Polish border
€ 13 000
Thief by Dj | Djoconda
Thief by Dj | Djoconda
$ 6 000
Female hippopotamus and her husband
Female hippopotamus and her husband
€ 13 000
€ 10 000
€ 6 000

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