Дракон и Облако Toile Peinture à l'huile Surréalisme Fantasy Russie 2021

Condition: | Disponible | Russie, Saint-Pétersbourg
RUB 65 000
Andrey Dupont
Andrey Dupont. Дракон и Облако
The plot of this picture was born right under the brush. Firstly, deep into the skies on the top of a rock which stood right near a rampant volcano a castle arose... The endless vastness around him, the absence of the horizon line allowed the dragon to burst into the canvas and become the master of the castle. But what is life without a game ?! And now a cloud peeped out from behind the castle. It floated out slowly and decorously from behind the castle, but suddenly... it smiled! This smile allowed a story of Friendship and a Game be brought into life ... "Hello!", said the cloud to the dragon floated in the air near his dwelling. I often emerge here and watch how you are swishing the air with you strong wings. I like it! How do you manage to fly where you want? I can just follow the movement of the wind... "Hello!", said a Dragon, "Oh, It's very simple! Let's drink some tea in my castle. There we can talk about it." They settled down into a vast room with a beautiful fireplace drinking tea and enjoying the conversation. The Dragon told the Cloud about the joy to show intention. And a cloud described its ability to be light and transparent. Both of them became very happy. Now they could fly together and share there feelings and their life arts. Their story has just been started... Всегда я чувствовал, что кисть моя магична, Хотя порой весьма эгоистична. Бывает так, что то, что я задумал Совсем других эмоций цвет окутал. И вот уж всё плывет в другое русло... Веселым стало то, что было грустно... Соцветий стало больше в черно белом И жаль описывать момент углем и мелом... Танцует кисть, как дирижёр заправский Велит кидать на холст поярче краски. И учит, вдохновляет быть активным, Сюжет картины делая игривым. I have always felt that my brush is magical, Although it sometimes is very selfish. It sometimes happens that what I have thought in my mind is being enveloped with the color of quite different emotions. And.. everything start floating in a totally different direction...! What was sad became merry. There more colors emerged in a thing which was just black and white, And it has become a mistake to describe the moment with just a coal and a chalk ... The brush dances like a brilliant conductor. It orders to throw brighter paints on the canvas. And it teaches and inspires to be active, Making the plot of the picture playful.

Informations sur l'artiste

Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия. С детства имею особое пристрастие к созданию предметов интерьера и формированию идеи и атмосферы жилого пространства.
Занимаюсь творчеством более 20 лет. Способности к изобразительному и прикладному искусству раскрылись в процессе многолетних эзотерических практик на пути саморазвития (практикую и преподаю Восточное боевое искусство 35лет). Создаю лепные интерьерные скульптуры из цемента с лакокрасочным покрытием; пишу концептуальные, символичные картины; снимаю свое кино, являясь актером, сценаристом и режиссером в одном лице; пишу стихи, рассказы и мотивирующие статьи. Мои фильмы, скетчи, ритуалы и ролики можно посмотреть на канале "Раскрытие личностного потенциала через у-шу". https://bit.ly/2Cd

Считаю творчество эффективным методом формирования окружающей реальности, замечательным способом развития личностных свойств, и прекрасным инструментом для выхода из сложных психологически жизненных ситуаций (всегда рекомендую своим ученикам и последователям).
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since my childhood, I have a particular fondness for creating interior items and shaping the idea and atmosphere of the living space. I have been doing creative work for over 20 years. My abilities for fine and applied arts were revealed in the process of esoteric practices on the path of self-development which is considered by me as a meaning of my whole life for many years. I create interior sculptures stuccoing them from cement with paintwork; I paint conceptual, symbolic pictures; I shoot my own movie, being an actor, screenwriter and director for every one of them; I write poems, stories and motivating articles. My films, sketches, rituals and videos can be viewed on the channel "Revealing personal potential through wushu". I consider creativity to be an effective method of shaping tthe surrounding reality, a wonderful way to develop personal properties, and an excellent tool for getting out of psychologically difficult life situations.

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