Little man Papier Aquarelle Réalisme Peinture de paysage Ереван 2017
иллюстрация к рассказу Н. В. Гоголя '' Портрет''
ID: | 11844 |
Artiste: | Ani Petrosyan (né en 1983) |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2017 |
Technique appliquée: | Aquarelle |
Matériel: | Papier |
Taille: | 40 x 1 x 60 cm |
Encadrement: | Encadré |
Style artistique: | Réalisme |
Genre: | Peinture de paysage |
Catégorie: | Peintures design |
Mots clés: | Architecture |
Informations sur l'artiste
I am Ani Petrosyan from Armenia, born in a family of artists, I have been painting since childhood. Having several professional qualifications, I create in different genres of art, from realism to abstract expressionism, I make sketches for theater, cinema, design of literary works (illustration). I like experiments related to material and technique, I make collages. I am inspired by nature, love, world literature, dreams.
After graduating from school, I went to study at the Panos Terlemezyan Art College from 1999-2004, after several years of searching for my style, I decided to continue my studies at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema, and became a set designer, from 2008 to 2012. Since 2014 Until 2020, I studied at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimova / VGIK / by profession, production designer.
After graduating from school, I went to study at the Panos Terlemezyan Art College from 1999-2004, after several years of searching for my style, I decided to continue my studies at the Yerevan State Institute of Theater and Cinema, and became a set designer, from 2008 to 2012. Since 2014 Until 2020, I studied at the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimova / VGIK / by profession, production designer.

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