Attempt of Synchronization 1. Small Victor Cuzmenco Argile Peinture acrylique Art abstrait Moldavie 2020
The painting consists of two canvases of equal size divided by a volumetric sphere. This division is made not only by physical surface but also the way of placing basic geometrical forms on each half of the work. The left canvas has more oil whereas the right one is made mainly with ground, sand, clay, and shell limestone. This combination of natural media with oil renders the idea of individuality and difference between the two parts. They are trying to reach synchronization and meet at the focal point made of silver-painted wooden sphere. As a result, this combination of more monochrome part with more contrast and colorful one gives birth to a certain new formation. Left and right peripheral bands of various sized rectangles made with colored oil paint underline suggestiveness of natural media. The intensive colors of these bands infer another space dimension. This work was inspired by my thoughts about contribution of dual entities with differences of one another, which result into harmony.
ID: | 38934 |
Originalité: | Original |
Condition: | Nouveau |
Année de fabrication: | 2020 |
Technique appliquée: | Peinture à l'huile, Peinture en aérosol, Peinture acrylique, Technique mixte |
Matériel: | Toile, Toile sur le sous-châssis, Argile, Sable, Bois naturel, Grès |
Taille: | 76 x 90 x 7 cm |
Encadrement: | Non encadré |
Style artistique: | Art abstrait, Expressionnisme abstrait |
Expédition à: | Partout dans le monde |
Méthode de paiement: | Virement bancaire, Carte de crédit |
Méthode d'expédition: | Service postal, Service de messagerie |
Retour de marchandises: | 10 jours |
Lieu d'origine: | Moldavie |
Catégorie: | Peintures |
Mots clés: | Philosophie |
Informations sur la galerie
Kogalniceanu 66
MD2009 Chisinau

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